Oi, Hidan here. I was forced encouraged to join the Otaku Host Club by Akira. So welcome to my host world. I would love to make you my jashinists. *smirks* If you want to become a fan of mine, all you have to do is PM either Lunastarz or Rein Akira. I hope that you'll be my fans; if not you're really missing out. I mean why the fuck wouldn't you want to be my fan. *shrugs*

How interesting

Well, I'm not sure what to make of this one. Anyone care to say anything about it? i don't think I'd mind Dr Hidan but yea i don't like hospitals anyway. None the less nice lab coat Hidan :P

So funny Hidan *snickers*

Well, i did try to embed this image but for someone damn reason it didn't want to embed. But none the less i hope the link will work instead. I want you guys to look at it and you will see why i was amused by it, again i apologise for having to make you work to see the pic. Jashin bless

Hidan's book of Jashin for dummies


I saw this very interesting picture of Hidan. His face is divided in half. One half cursed the other half not. Truly meaning "You are already under my curse." So enjoy everyone.

Tch, tagged again

Eye Color: Violet.
Hair Color: Silver
Height: 177.1 cm
Favorite Color: Red, Silver, and black
Screen Name: CursedJashinist3
Favorite Show: We don't have any fucking TV
Your Car: What the hell is that
Your Hometown: Yugakure
Your Present Town: Akatsuki Base
Your First Crush's Name: None.
Your Grade: Ninja acadamy and some missionary school

Sat on your rooftop? Yeah.
Kissed someone in the rain? no.
Danced in a public place? Gay shit.
Smiled for no reason? Yeah.
Laughed so hard you cried? At times.
Peed your pants after age 8? No.
Written a song? fucking retarded.
Sang to someone for no reason? Why the fuck would I do that?
Performed on a stage? No.
Talked to someone you don't know? Yeah I have to talk to those damn bounties and jinchuuriki
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Not realy.
Made out in a theater? no.
Been in love? never have; I don't give a fuck

Say HI to you? Deena and Gaby
Tell you, I love you? I don't know
Kiss you? Chee *shakes head*
Hug you? Tobi *glares* and Deena
Tell you BYE? Pein as I left this morning
Write you a note? Deena and Gaby
Take your photo? No one.
Buy you something? myself.
Write a poem about you? I have no god dman clue quit with the fucking pointless questions!
Touch you? Deidara when he kicked me this morning

Time you cried? Fuck I don't know
Time you laughed? Yesterday at Deidara-chan.
Song you've sang? I don't sing.
Time you've looked at the clock? Right now?
Drink you've had? Tea, Sake, or just anything.
Book you've read? Book of Jashin
Food you've eaten? beef and noodle bowl I made right now.
Shoes you've worn? Just my normal ones; fucking retarded question.
Store you've been in? Metal supplier
Thing you've said? Eat a cock, Kakuzu.

Write with both hands? If I feel like it.
Whistle? Yes.
Roll your tongue in a circle? no
Cross your eyes? Yeah.
Touch your tongue to your nose? no.
Dance? Gayshit.
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Fuck I've done it plenty of damn times
Speak a different language? Yeah.
Impersonate someone? Yeah.
Make a card pyramid? No, sounds damn boring to me
Cook anything? Yeah, I cook.

If I were..still a missionary I wouldn't have to follow Pein's dumbass rules.
I wish..people would quit being dumb assholes and understand others' pain.
So many people don't know that.. despite being immortal, I'm still capable of dying from not eating. Don't even try it fuckers.
I am..devoted entirely to Jashin-Sama

F*** I got tagged!!! D8<

Let's get this god damn thing over with.

-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.


1. Perfect? Thanks to Jashin-Sama; I'm pretty damn close
2. Tall?: Sure I guess.
3. In your pajamas?: Just a pair of sweats.
4. Left handed?: does it matter

1. Friend you saw: Deena
2. Talked to on the phone: No one we have no signal
3. Person to text you: I don't text
4. Was today better than yesterday? No, had to spend the whole god damn day with that motherfucker, Kakuzu



1. Number: three...
2. Color(s): red and black
3. Fruit: I hate fruit...
4. Place: my circle in my room


1. Are you missing someone right now? no
2. Are you happy? *shrugs* I guess
3. Are you sad? saddness is for those fuckers who are weak.
4. Are you bored? yeah
6. Are you nervous? Whay the fuck would I be?!
8. Are you tired? FUCK YES!!!!


1. Eating? Chicken and rice
2. Drinking? Some more of Deena's tea
3. I'm about to: pray
4. Listening to? my bones being broken
5. Plans for today? Pray, Sacrafice, Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.


1. Drank bubbles? No that's god damn stupid
2. Lost glasses/contacts? I don't wear glasses
3. Ran away from home? Fuck yes.
4. Broken someone's heart? Literally. *smirks*
5. Been arrested? Once but I escaped; stupid dumbasses it was too fucking easy.

1. Miracles? No only Jashin-Sama's will
2. Yourself? what do you think
3. Heaven? no
4. Santa Claus? You mean that fatass who breaks into your house and eats your damn food; fuck no.
4. Love? .......
5. Do you like someone? *shrugs*
6. Do you believe in God? Yes, Jashin-sama guided me to my true calling of sacraficing those stupid atheists years ago.
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Do you think I'd really lie about this dumb shit.


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Prayed and made breakfast

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: No, even if I was; why the hell would I tell you?

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: I agree with Deidara-chan on this one; Kakuzu only let's us have one shitty TV.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Amegakure

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: yeah at times

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: no, that's just damn retarded

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: I can be as long as ya don't piss me off and devote your life to Jashin-Sama

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: On the couch with jashin(the cat)

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: I don't cry; I'm not one of those weakass pansies fuckfaces.

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: As if I remember! I was half dead with exhaustion.

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 5

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: My ribs and breast bone cracking as my stake keeps adjusting while I'm typing.

Q: Does anything hurt right now?

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: July

Q: What did you do last night?
A: Layed on the couch with Jashin; I already said this, baa-ka.

Fine I'll tag the Fish ninja; don't fucking dissapoint me Kisame-chan