Welcome to dai's world committed to anime and games

Touhou Rhythm carnival scarlet

HI EVERYBODY Dai is back with a new game well technically not new but -.- plawdnk dai has bee playing it for a while and yet he still sucks :P but noand well.....wjeiowjd

Whateva okay looking on youtube Dai has actually found someone who can play this game perfectly.

Their youtube account is called kabangkul please go and visit they also have other games posted as well.

They have perfect all around on every song dai would try to upload his but.....Dai sucks at playing it and don't know how to record that kind of stuff so ^^" yeah

Okay so basically this is a rhythm game that is fun to play and challenging each (except the remix) having a normal and hard mode no two games are the same. There are 15 games including the remix

It goes:
Packun Rumia (ぱっくんルーミア)
Apparition Squadron Is That So~ (妖魔戦隊ソウナノカ~)
Hop! Step! Dai Jump! (ほっぷ!すてっぷ!大ジャンプ!!) always miss just one
Frost K (フロストK) (fav one here)
Close Call Misuzu (美鈴危機一髪)
Scarlet Devil Mansion Defensive Battlefront (紅魔館防衛戦線)
The Great Library Organize (整理整頓大図書館)
Holiday of the Scarlet Devil (紅魔の休日) (hard is too hard)
Remilia Pose (レミリアポーズ)
Scarlet Score "Scarlet Beat" (紅譜「スカーレットビート」) (love this one)
Flandre March (フランドールマーチ)
Certain Kill! Laevateinn (必殺!レーヴァテイン)

Not quite sure this is the right names but since Japanese isn't dai's strong suite he went to a wiki and found them there if anyone can tell what is the names it would be a big help.

Now.....uh dai hasn't seen played or read touhou yet besides this (not quite what it really is an anime,manga or game)

Well enjoy the first post will be up sometime today bye for now.
