Hi everyone,
The Dark Realm is basically a realm of dark desires and dark...things. I really can't say much about the dark realm. I can only hope that it will be visited often by other members.
I created the dark realm because I like being alone and I like to sit by myself in the dark hours of the night.Hey, we can't all be perfect right?Any way the dark realm was made because of how I was feeling and how miserable I was becoming. I hope you enjoy your visit to the dark realm.


Hi everyone,
I'm so bored wit doing all my work here.Too bad i didn't hae the time to go to class on time.I don't like going to class every day so I kind of skipped class with a few classmates.And guess what that got me.It got me four weeks of summer school!!I hate having to go to summer school because all you ever do is just sit there and do the work you missed.
It sucks to be me right now!I was kind of hoping to sleep in all summer but since I've got to go to summer school half my summer vacation will be spent on getting up to go to school.And that really pisses me off.
Ah well that's what I get for skipping.Too bad I didn't have a time machine to go back in time and actually make myself go to class instead of skipping.But I guess it couldn't hurt to actually try and do my work and get it over with so that I don't have to take Geometry and Anatomy over again next year.I'm not good at math and to be honest MATH really isn't my thing.I hated anatomy because we stayed in the same room all morning doing nothing but just sitting there taking notes and reading about the human bady.Talk about BORING!

Friends forever

For a very long time I have
Remembered everything about humans and
Every time an immortal helped a human,that human
Never once thanked that immortal,I have
Doubted the existence of humans for
So long

Far longer than I have expected to see humans
Over come their fates
Remember when I last told you that
Every human deserved their death no matter what,their
Vengence wil be subtle but
Every human desires
Revenge on us immortals and I shall do their bidding


Man,can today even more boring?I mean all there is to do is just sit around and wait for the time to go by quickly.Class sucks!I'm the only one in my 3rd perios class...and I'm gonna tel you it sucks to be the only one in the classroom with the teacher.
Oh great...everyone else just walked into the room.One of the guys just came over to me and asked "are you emo?"Like I have a big sign on my forehead saying "HELLO MY NAME IS:EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED!"Like OMG do I have to be emo to call one of my worlds The Universe of Hell.*walks out of the room and screams really loud*
*enters the room and sits down*
OK I'm back and I just had to take my anger out on the entire school.^^But I'm all better now.Well 4th hour is aboutto start,so I'd better get going.


Hi everyone,
It's me again.How is your day going?the music video you just heard is by Finger Eleven, one of my favorite bands.i love this song and i hope you will too.
man today is so boring.i have nothing to do and i'm beginning to think that coming to school is boring. wish i didn't hae to come to school any more.but if i didn't come to school i wouldn't be able to talk to my friends.Oh yeah before i forget about it. the song is called Paralyzer.

Love is happiness

Older sibling
Everybody's fool


Honorable death
Everybody lies
Strangled to death