Hi everyone,
The Dark Realm is basically a realm of dark desires and dark...things. I really can't say much about the dark realm. I can only hope that it will be visited often by other members.
I created the dark realm because I like being alone and I like to sit by myself in the dark hours of the night.Hey, we can't all be perfect right?Any way the dark realm was made because of how I was feeling and how miserable I was becoming. I hope you enjoy your visit to the dark realm.

What if...

What if life were more fun
What if you were more outgoing
What if you could go any where
What if you could get all A's in my classes
What if life were more simple
What if you didn't have to go to school
What if you didn't have to wake up early every morning
What if you could do whatever you wanted
What if your life were more exciting
What if you had everything you ever wanted
What if you were the one to make all the decisions in your life
What if you could change the way every one else acts towards one another
What if you could change the world
What if you could go any where you desired
What if you could be who ever you wanted
What if you could do work when you
What if you change the way you live

My life

My life would be more simple if it weren't for having to get up and going to school.I have other things to worry about besides getting up and going to school.I have so many things to do like reading more books, watching TV, and well sleeping.Let's not forget that sleeping is a very important part of a teenagers life.Any way my life is a typical day at school,going home, and watching TV.
Sure I get bored at times,but I just don't know what to do.I want to go and hang out with my friends, but their either to busy with work,hanging out with their boyfriend/girlfriend,or their just too tired to do anything.So instead of hanging out with them, I hang out with my annoying little brother and sister.They get on my nerves at times but that doesn't stop me from playing a little game of tag or kickball with them.I love my annoying little brother and sister so much that I sometimes forget that their getting on my last nerve.But isn't that what little brother's and sister's are supposed to do?They get on our nerves at times and that makes us feel like clobbering them.But that won't stop us from ever loving them.Their our little brothers' and sisters',we can't do anything about that no matter how angry we feel about how annoying they get or how rude they are towards our friends or boyfriends/girlfriends.
My life is filled with lots of funny jokes and laughter.I love to hear a good joke from my little brother.My little brother can tell a joke without thinking of it.He likes to tell jokes about my grades and my younger sister's grades.Every time I get an 'F' in a class he says 'better luck next time big sis' you just might get an 'F-' in your next class'.As if I had enough laughing already.My little brother's jokes aren't that funny to other people but they are to me.Every once in a while my other brother and sister come to visit.My brother Melvin seldom talks to me or my other brother and sister.My sister Myla talks a lot and nothing can ever seem to shut her up.
But that doesn't stop them from laughing at my brother's jokes.He tells all kinds of jokes that seem to always be about other people and not him.Myla also tells jokes.Like one time she told my younger sister Aileta,we call her Sissy,a joke about getting off the road when a car is appraoching.She said 'Sissy stand in the middle of the road and you won't get hit.' Me, Melvin, and my little brother Whitehawk laughed so hard we nearly cried.
I can't seem to remember the last time I enjoyed myself.That's probably because of all the hard times my family has been having lately.My family isn't exactly perfect and not exactly wierd either.My family is a family who trully cares.My family isn't a family who would desert one another over something like money or frequent disagreements.My family is like any other family,in a way that doesn't get into another person's business or gets involved in a feud.
My family is very important to me and I don't what I would do without them.If I didn't have my family backing me up I would probably be lost.I wouldn't know what to do and I certainly wouldn't know where to go.My family means more than anything to me,they mean more than my life.If anything were to happen to them,then I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for it.
My life is the life of a typical teenager.I like to watch TV,reading books,writing peotry,playing with my younger brothers' and sisters',going to school, and going back home.I enjoy a good joke every now and then.I love to play a game of kickball with my younger siblings.My life is almost like that of a typical teenager.