Welcome to Dark Gaiden.
Here you will be asked to enjoy the depth of character and darkness that lies within us all. Explore the depths with me.

Something I love

It always strikes me whenever I sit to begin writing that I'm doing something I love. How rare is it that someone finds something that causes such satisfaction so much, dare I say, pleasure. It isn't in the publishing or selling of ones work but in the doing. The perfecting of ones art. It is an art and something that you must work at.

I'm just a beginner so I can't tell you how to do anything. Just that it's worth doing. If anything is, in this world; the one thing that satifies your soul is that thing. If it's drawing, which is another form of creating then do it. Do it with all your heart and soul. Learn about it, study it, expand your understanding of the thing you love. It's not just creating pictures or imagining things outside of reality, it's delving inside of yourself. It's reaching down into your essence and pulling the raw material out of you only to form it into something beautiful. No matter what you do in life, know that there is something out there and once you find it...never let it go.
