Blood Relatives

Standing perfectly still as the soldiers lined up and Integra went over the mission, Walter watched Mina. Her eyes were cold and distant, the look of numbness washed over her features the moment Integra began to brief her.
"Not one of them are to survive!" Integra finished and they all saluted except for Mina who bowed her head in respect. They all deployed to the large house on the countryside farm property where four vampires were reported. The moon was casting shadows beside the car.
Integra came to him her face taught and her jaw flexed like it did when she was bothered by something. "This is the forth one just this week...something is going on."
"There is something going on and I can't wait until it rears it's ugly head!" Alucard's voice heated with the desire for a fight rose from the shadows beside them.
Mina ran silently in between the rooms searching for yet another victim, two dead vampires lay dead on the first floor her men were searching the west wing of the house. Her radio clicked on.
"Mam, are you sure you don't want back up? We found only ghouls here."
"No, if you're done sweeping the west wing then head on out and wait for my signal if I run into trouble..."
"But mam, there are still four vamps on the loose."
"Negative, and there are only two now. If I need you sergeant, I will call you. Now follow my orders!"
"Yes, Mam!"
Out of ammo she pulled her sword from it's sheath hearing a faint shuffle in the next room. Her lips pulled up into a smile as she went into the room not caring if the thing heard her. The beast was sitting and she noted the other vampire was laying dead on the floor. For a second she hesitated unsure of why or what the vampire was up to, she stared at him. His tall lanky body was similar to Alucard's, but his face was rounder. His eyes narrowed and looking like a rabid animal she noted the differences were plain, Alucard's eyes were more like a large cat playing with it's food.
His boots were crossed relaxed on the table as he held a cup of blood in his hands lookig quite the nobleman. She laughed to herself and lowered her arm gripping the sword tightly.
"Ahh, I've heard of an American woman killing our kind lately. I assume you are.." He raised the glass towards her.
"I am." She answered placidly walking slowly around the table trailing her fingers in the lace curtains looking distractedly out the windows. "What a beautiful night." She looked at the vampire who was watching her his body tensing the closer she got. "Wouldn't you agree?" When he didn't answer she stopped giving him a brief feeling of security. "I haven't enjoyed myself like this, in so long." She leaned her head back reveling in the moonlight. Her blood was coursing, the scent of the metallic liquid in the glass was making her throat burn, but it was a minor annoyance compared to the pleasure of destroying these creatures of hell.
Walter watched as the men came out only one minor injury but Mina was not with them. "Where is Mina?" He asked before Integra had a chance to.
Sergeant Williams walked forward. "She ordered us out sir, after we cleared the west wing. She took out two of the vamps herself and said she'd call if she needed us. He heard Integra make a displeased sound and he tunred.
"I will retrieve her." He said and was about to go when he felt Alucard behind him.
"No, I will get her. Perhaps she will give me some entertainment, this night is turning out to be disappointing."
Relenting Walter stepped back as Integra came forward he felt her eyes considering him for a moment.