Blood Relatives

"I'm not just any Vampire as you seem to think lady." He said getting up after she threw him against the wall.
Sitting on the table her fingers going meditatively around the edges of the empty glass. staring at him she smiled. He didn't move from where he was even though she had her sword resting carefully on her lap. "If you were the devil himself I wouldn't care." She jumped down her sword in her hands again. "I'll send you to hell anyway."
She paused for a second when he pulled out a flask and drank its contents. "Now you'll see and feel when I tear your throat out!" His voice rose. He began changing his body growing and morphing. He grew taller and wider his features grotesque the veins in him bulging out his hair gone . She crinkled her nose with her hand on her hip as he roared now towering over he his head nearly touching the vaulted ceiling.
"Gross, it's like Bane from Batman, except you're uglier." She commented twirling her sword uncaringly cracking her neck. "Then again I was getting bored." She smiled and jumped at the creature. He was faster this time and moved causing her to crash into the fireplace mantle. He was there again and took hold of her throat, her small hands gripped hard and she pulled them from around her neck and coming down to the floor twisted and threw him into the dining room table. When he got up his eyes bulged.
"You're not human!"
Tilting her head back and forth like she was weighing the comment she shook her head. "Not completely anyway." Then she rushed into him he raked his sharp claws across catching her in the chest sending her flying back into the fireplace again sending a large crack up the ceiling causing it to collapse onto her. She heard a laugh so cynical she groaned as she pushed the large pieces of wood and plaster off of her. Looking she saw Alucard summarily dispatch the mutated Vampire and turn to look at her his red eyes boring into her very soul...if she had one.


Sitting in the dark room with Alucard just out of sight,she could smell him. The scent of blood was always thick whenever he was around. Integra stood still as a statue with Walter just off to her right, his eyes never quite looked up at her.
"You will answer my questions." Integra continued her interrogation.
After walking from a collapsed ceiling that would have normally killed any normal human and after Alucard overheard her say she wasn't completely human (being caught up in the moment she didn't sense him) she was brought back to the mansion where without a struggle she was taken down to a dungeon. What was the point of fighting with the vampire king himself right there waiting to tear her head off?
"My name is Lumina." She insisted looking at Walter and not Integra.
"Why did you infiltrate this organization?!" Integra snapped her voice was like the cracking of a whip but her face wore nothing but fierce control.
Pulling herself up straight Mina shot her a look of defiance. "I told you the truth of why I came here."
"To make a larger contribution to the decimation of unholy creatures...." She laughed incredulously. "Like you..." Integra took a step forward and leaned on the arms of her chair glaring at her. "What are you?"
Mina met her gaze but then looked past her. "I am part human....if I have a soul..." She looked away and shrugged. "I don't know..nor do I care! As long as I can destroy the creatures that see fit to create children like me."
Integra stepped back calmly her blue eyes sending shards of ice through her. "Walter, bring in Matthew."
The butler bowed. "Yes mam." Then went to the door and let in a man who carried a thick silver suitcase and set it on the side table next to her. His shoulders were narrow and his glasses kept falling from his nose. His passive and calm presence was underlying something volatile she could almost smell it.
Integra walked to the door where Walter stood waiting. "Matthew will find out all we need to know. I suggest you cooperate or it will be much more painful than it needs to be."
The closing of the door seemed to echo on forever as the darkness thickened. Mina smiled closing her eyes. "Enjoying yourself Vampire? Are you going to watch or join in perhaps.... I'd love to see your work." The bite in her voice was like the crushing pain of jaws clamping onto your throat.
"We'll see." He said darkly, she heard the curiosity in his voice seemingly from everywhere and even Matthew shivered at the cold seeping into the room.
Walking away from the room he glanced back only once. For the first time in his life Walter felt as if a stake had been rammed into his heart. Why should he care so much? He was an old man, but then it was possible she was older than him. Then the second feeling of revulsion took him over. She was a creature not a human being. It was possible this was all a ploy to destroy the organization from the inside out. But then part of him didn't believe it was possible. But of course everything was possible.
She smiled at him tasting her own blood in her mouth. He'd tried crosses, holy water, even shooting her with a blessed silver hollow point bullet. Which was so far the most painful. After an hour though it was healed. Matthew was watching her sitting high on a stool obviously trying to think of anything else. "What about you Alucard....I think my host is running out of ideas. You're the master of torture are you not?" She put as much of her anger into her voice as she could. Not only anger at him but at herself for being so careless. For the first time in her long life she was beginning to feel like she belonged and she ruined it by hotdogging.

She heard his breathing behind her. "Matthew go and make your report. I have a few questions for her as well."

The man stood up. "But Sir Integra.."

"GO!" His voice boomed making the man practically leap to the door. She finally heard the clicking of his boots as he strolled in front of her and felt her bonds released. She didn't get up or move much she just stared at him. His confidant demeanor, his evil eyes that made her want to kill him.

"Well go on. Ask your questions monster." She spat.

His brows rose amused at her calling him a monster. "It's obvious to me now you are part vampire. Who created you?"

His emphasis on who almost made her laugh. She sniffed defiantly. "Isn't that the million dollar question." She slumped back feeling her old childish spiteful tendancies coming back in a flood. Being around him made her feel as if she were a child again. Part of her wanted to tell him. But then, would he care? For the first time maybe she wanted him to. She'd hated him for so long and wanted to kill him. But now here she had found a place where she belonged and maybe...just maybe she wanted to stay. If that meant playing her role as a dog like he was then so be it.

She stood up in a blink and began walking into the back of the room where the darkness was thick. It was like a blanket of security that enveloped her. "I'll tell you a story and chime in if you've heard it." She began letting her voice echo off the stone walls of the dungeon like room.

"There was a woman who lived in England. She was a good woman, very strong willed but studious to a fault and hard working. I won't go into a lot of details but lets just say that she fell in love. What she didn't know was that the man she fell in love with wasn't a man. He was a monster. The part of her that wanted to stay with him became stronger than the part that wanted to fight him. You see he had turned her. But he did in a way that took weeks to complete. During that time I was conceived." She stopped and peered at him knowing full well where he was and that he was watching her. "Any ideas yet?" When there was no reply she continued. "Then before her trnsformation was completed by him he was defeated by four men. They were good men and cared for her deeply thinking they were doing her a service by destroying the monster. She was left hanging on the brink of death... but she didn't die. The blood of the monster faded in time leaving her with child and human.

It was a hard pregnany, her then husband tried to understand and stayed with her. But she didn't love him, her heart was broken when she heard of the monster's death. When I was born she left him and took me away to live alone. Almost immediately she noticed I was different. I began to crave blood, but after a while she found that I could eat food as well. I was a new creature...never seen before or wanted. I didn't know why I was different only that I was. She taught me to hide it from others, she taught me to be proud of my abilities and strengths. She said I was perfect because I could control my blood lust. She told me of my father, and how she loved him. I studied up on my so called father and found all of the things he had done." She took a deep breath. "The thousands of people he had killed. I began to hate my mother. She was weak and fragile, her mind was warped by having a half breed like me. I wasn't even sure she knew where she was at times. Eventually she died and I was left alone. At first I merely wandered around the world keeping to myself but then I stumbled upon a vampire feasting on a child in the night. I reacted and destroyed the creature. It was then I realized why I was born." She stepped into the light. "To send all monsters to hell!"