
The life of a Giftless is the life of a slave. I’m the scullery maid of Lord and Lady Holgates now. I’m not allowed to write any more, if anyone were to find this diary I would be whipped and these pages would be burned. I don’t know why I’m still writing this. Maybe someday someone will find this and my life won’t be so insignificant. Though I don’t know why my life would make any difference, I’ve never done anything special. It’s been four years since I was taken to the work house. I’ve accepted my life of service. As I remember my past and how my life was I think of how easy it all was. The last letter I received from my mother was a year and a half ago. She said that Lex had disappeared and she was afraid for him. When I think of my mother and Lex my mind drifts to Luke. I hope he is well.


She looked up from the floor where she had been for the past three hours scrubbing and got up wiping her hands averting her eyes. “Yes my lady.”

Lady Holgates stood tall in the kitchen where she rarely came. “We will be having guests. Finish this and go to your room until you’re called for.”

“Yes my Lady.”

After the lady left the kitchen Jacky went to the doorway and listened.

“Why are they coming here?”

“Relax, this is merely a routine interrogation. After what happened at the palace.” She heard Lord Cam say in a hushed voice.

Lady Abigail whispered sounding more panicked. “But they’re sending a telepath. What if he scans us all?” Jacky pulled away from the door and finished her work. Passing by one of the guards of the manor on her way to her room, she felt his eyes on her. The memory of the beating she endured by his hand made her flinch just being in his presence. Once she got to her room she sat down on her bed and pulled at her fingers her mind racing.

Waiting patiently as the butler went to get the Lord and Lady of the house, Luke looked around resisting the urge to just scan everyone and get it over with. He needed to get back and speak with Lex to find out the rebel’s next move.

“Welcome to our home.“ Luke heard but didn’t react right away. After the moment had passed he turned slowly making sure they understood who held the power here.

“I’m sure you know why I’m here.” He said coldly.

The Lord of the manor tried to meet his gaze but averted his eyes looking nervous. “Yes we heard about the attack. My daughter has been sick so we weren’t able to attend. We are very relieved that the king is unharmed.”

Strolling over to a shelf meditatively touching a knick-knack of a woman riding a horse he said. “I’m sure you are. I must do a sweep of your household. Gather your servants, guards and of course I will need you to submit yourself to me as well.” He turned his head to peer at the couple. He could of course, do it without permission but he preferred to give them a chance to do so willingly. They looked at each other and he knew instantly they were hiding something. “I will of course want to scan your servants first.” He walked over to them.

Lord Cam cleared his throat. “Yes of course I’ll have them come down.”

“I would like you to be present at all times. To witness that I am not abusing them.” He said calmly, the man’s face went white.

“I would never…” Luke held up his hand to stop the man’s blubbering.

“Go.” The doorbell rang again and Luke turned to Lady Abigail. “That is my comrade, please show him in.” The woman blanched but nodded.