
He rode ahead of the cart not looking back but keeping his senses open as they entered the palace grounds.

“Sir.” Mace came up and saluted his hand to his chest.

“What is it?” Luke asked looking down letting his senses go.

The weapon’s master looked hard at the cart and then back. “Head Master wants to see you about the boy.”

Luke nodded faintly getting off his horse. “Take them to the servants quarters to be processed and oriented.” He gave his reigns to a stable boy and walked swiftly to the east wing, the Black Born main intelligence head quarters. The walls all painted dark red to represent the blood shed in the brotherhood for Sway and it’s king. To remind each member that Black Born are here until death.

Walking along the hallway he felt an invader in his mind. He forced his mental walls up and heard a cry of pain around the corner. He rushed immediately to find a boy about the age of seventeen huddled on the floor, holding his head. “Get up initiate!” He ordered harshly.

The blond boy stood shakily keeping his head down. “You are aware of the rules against scanning a superior Born without his permission?”

The boy answered. “Yes sir.” Luke took the boy’s chin in his hand and forced him to look up.

He peered into the boy’s mind roughly, making him shake with pain. Seeing it was simple stupidity, he let him go. “Your curiosity will get you killed in here boy. Don’t do it again.” Then he turned around knowing the boy wouldn’t. The lessons of the Black Born are hard but necessary to survive this life.

“Luke come in.” The headmaster said from behind his desk. The older man had white pupils from an accident Luke heard about years ago. Physically he couldn’t see but his Gift was exceptional senses so he didn’t need his eyes. Luke walked in and stood tall with his hands behind his back.


The older man stood up and walked to the bookshelf behind his desk. “You have risen in ranks swiftly in the past five years. Your record is exemplary and your abilities rival our greatest Born in history. I have high hopes for you.“

“Thank you sir.“ Luke said carefully.

“Still…” The head master began, his tone quickly darkening. “I’m having trouble understanding why I don’t have the information I require from that boy in the dungeon.”

“Sir, he is resistant. I’ve had to tread carefully or risk loosing the information.”

The man turn on him focusing his blank eyes directly on Luke’s making him swallow. “I don’t want excuses. I am told he will be strong enough for another scanning tomorrow. I want the information from him even if you have to rip it from his skull. His life is already forfeit so gentleness isn’t necessary.” His voice never rose or wavered but the force of it made Luke’s throat tighten.

“Yes sir.”