sonic and robotnik, BFF

sonic and robotnik doing what they do best (try to kill each other!) ...

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Someone's Invading the Team Unleashed's Headquarters!

Me and a couple of friends from deviantart decided to create a sonic fan character team entitled by the pretty "original" name: Team Unleashed, believe it or not, I'm the one who came up with it XP.

The Three characters shown in this pic are: Leo the Leopard (the one at the bottom left part), Brigitte The Hedgehog (the one at the bottom right part) and Charge the Squirrel (the one at the top of the book cabinet.

If you look between leo and brigitte, you'll see the shadow of the misterious invader, who could it be?

Leo is owned by sonicfannumber1
Brigitte is owned by shado8rouge
and Charge is owned by me

