Far from perfect.

My night is going really shitty but anyways.

I got inspiration for a new piece of artwork, ARTWORK not wallpaper.
I think it had a deep meaning to it and I'm sure you'll understand it if I'm allowed to post it on here.
I'm going to work hard at making it look nice.
I just need the right angle and picture to make it work.
I can picture it all now.

My night day has been going really bad.
My sister ran out the house ignoring me yelling at her for stealing my hair clips.
My brother walks through the door and we start arguing in less then 10 mintues.
Of course its over something stupid that I of course didn't start.
I left the tv on and he attacked me for leaving it on, and said if I didn't turn it off he would hit me. I told him to hold on since I was doing something and then he walked over and like slapped/poked me in the eye which hurt and when I said that he of COURSE said "that didn't hurt you, you liar!" WTF yes it did, do you have some invisible connector to my body that allows you to sense what is and is not painful to me? Fuck off!
He really seriously pissed me off we argued about stupid stuff the WHOLE entire time which ended up of course with me leaving and going to my room crying.
I feel like they always pick on me and I always have to retreat to me room. I hate that. And then I always have to look online to some picture or some status that really upsets me. Or some thought that makes me hate myself. I really get down on myself because of it and I hate it.

I'm far too sensitive, far too sensitive for what the world has in store for me.
