sup delitor here this is my own personal space part blog part reveiw board and part char. and song of the week YA-HA
plese tell me if you want request i'll be happy to oblige so until then you people from deviantart would know me as delitor

1.o.k. im christian and i dont think many other members of this site are so.....well hey im me

2. i have morals and am esely confused as in oblivios,so you may need to point out the bvios to me

3. befor you ask yes i have an utter didain for yaoi (blame my cousins)

4. and yes im takeing requests right now

deletion reveiw: girls bravo

delitor here with another deletion reveiw this time girls bravo. i found this seies enticeing even though i was triked into watching it i loved it and this time i mean this goe's on the top! of my black book yikes the story starts out with no dingy girls chaseing after the main char. and he ends up with three at the end and one of them strike that 2 of them trying to get him um.... lets say comprimsed for the younger readers k anyway he has a freind whos a girl and she agin has no dingy anthing chaseing after her at the beging and at the end she has three people as well this time guess how many guys are after her out o three 1 two are kind of well lets say YOU GET SOME MAJOR YURI OUT OF THOE TWO YH-HA as she so quantly put it "im just like cat nip for lesbians!" i fell out of my chair laughing this is also what i call ecchi and others would call hard ecchi verey hard! anyway the main char. whos a dude was so bullyed by girls he gets alergisc to all but one and its not anime without a RICH PERV that gets beat up by the same girl every episode and get this he in the end falls in love with her and vice versaand get this its the same girl that has 2 dingy chicks after her did i mention one used to be her high school teacher.

anime:5/5 i loved it! great story line
age:?+ you will have to watch the first episode to see if you like it

deletion reveiw karin (chibi vampire)

o.k. delitor here with a deletion reveiw this thi Karin this shojuo is jerey well thought out i may be a guy but i enjoy some shoujo this is a funny story of kind of an unvampire you'll just have to watch it to see what i mean if you've noticed lately for the last couple mounths i just cant stay away from anime with the nosferatu (vampire) this is a great story and its verey intertaining guys i'd say would enjoy this shoujo even if they didnt like them

anime4.9/5 (ear perfect but it needs something)
age rateing 13+

deletion reveiw gintama

ok delitor here with a deletion reveiw ive spotd an old favorite of myne on youtube i read as much as i could when it was in sj and i must say the show is sublime this humble reveiwer give gin tama.....

it is a serise to be sought out the comedy reaches new hight fans of bleach will love it for the bleach reference delitor out
age rateing:i give it to all ages over 10 years old enjoy

oh yeah skip episode 24 trust me you'll be glad you did!!!!skip24

delition rveiw

ok ill do this every now and agin ill make a chart of the best anime/manga as determaned by my school and myself

#5full metal alchemist
