I checked my e-mails and everything but I never got a message from you so I was wondering if it has gone missing or if you had been waiting for me or something. I do know that sometimes hotmail doesn't like accounts from other groups. Maybe you could try this address instead:
I think that's right. I got it recently ~ Giant monster hugs ~ I shall seriously look forward to the PM though and hearing all about what has been going on with you ~ Wipes nervous sweat off forehead now I know we are still friends lol ~
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
That was so entertaining. XD I was drawn into the story from the first sentence. ^^ It's so good to have characters I know in a completely new story. Gives familiarity in the excitement of something new. X3
My favourite part was how Dranzer left Tamaki with the giant spiders. XD Take that, Tamaki! Bwahaha. XD
*laughs* This is great Magnus!I honeslty do like it. My favorite thing about this whole story is the dialog between the characters, that's some gold you have there.
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/23/08 | Reply
I checked my e-mails and everything but I never got a message from you so I was wondering if it has gone missing or if you had been waiting for me or something. I do know that sometimes hotmail doesn't like accounts from other groups. Maybe you could try this address instead:
I think that's right. I got it recently ~ Giant monster hugs ~ I shall seriously look forward to the PM though and hearing all about what has been going on with you ~ Wipes nervous sweat off forehead now I know we are still friends lol ~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
I love reading these funny little stories. They're entertaining and certainly get my spirits up!
Pedro was my favorite ninja, for some reason. X3
'Her ninjas were invisible to all but those people who wore glasses...' -So I could see the ninjas! 8D
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
That was so entertaining. XD I was drawn into the story from the first sentence. ^^ It's so good to have characters I know in a completely new story. Gives familiarity in the excitement of something new. X3
My favourite part was how Dranzer left Tamaki with the giant spiders. XD Take that, Tamaki! Bwahaha. XD
Love Bug =X3
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/08 | Reply
Fabby ^^ I like reading your musings *smiles*
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/08 | Reply
*laughs* This is great Magnus!
I honeslty do like it. My favorite thing about this whole story is the dialog between the characters, that's some gold you have there.