the world is full of many different kinds of peoples and many different kinds of life. in all this mixed up lives chaos reigns as the major factor. this is my own interpretations of it, and hope you like it. If not, let me know why because i am a rather curious fellow and will try to think differently to see why :P


What is it to be human?
To scurry about with no purpose.
To be in love one moment, and not another.
TO hate, fear, and rage so,
Is this all there is to be human?
You mortals act so strange,
Like there is nothing in the world,
that matters more then what you do,
that your urgent needs are heaven sent.
yet they are nothing of importance.
You all feel your hearts,
you think your thoughts,
but I understand nothing,
Of all the things I have seen.
Nothing compares to the state,
Of the very question I ask.
Or animal?

My Own Demon

What do you do in life.
when all you have tried ends badly,
When what you are trying to do is destroyed.
Not by anyone else but yourself?

Every time I am there,
Trying to defend my friends.
I fear for their safety,
Not from the enemy,
But from my very soul,

Deep inside of me a demon live,
A part of me that seeks control,
Each day I fight to keep it down,
But it keeps getting stronger.

My Other half is not so nice,
It seeks out blood and chaos,
it thrives on the destruction
It could come out soon.

My inner demon wishes life,
But my only hope is it's death,
For if it gets my soul comeplete.
All hell will be alive.