Kinsoku Jikou Desu

Holy crap, I've been on OtakuBoards for seven years. Now that I think about it, no one else from when I joined still visits the site regularly, other than James. only a handful of people from when I joined still post regularly... Though now I'm responsible for a large part of the site so I have an excuse like James. Yeah, I'm going to go with that.

Speaking of OB, I just uploaded a bunch more avatars to the gallery for people to use. A new member pointed out a while ago that we didn't have any Haruhi Suzumiya avatars, which was a bit surprising. Somehow I missed the series when making avatars and no one else had submitted anyway. I couldn't let that stand.

My plan to skim through the episodes in search of good screen shots to use for avatars turned into me watching the entire series again over the course of a couple days. This was the third time I've watched Haruhi, and I'm not sure if it's because I watched it in broadcast order again (the second time was in chronological order) or because of a longer period of time between screenings, but I found it a lot more entertaining than the second time. Actually, it's probably a combination of both, but whatever. I had fun and saved 226 screen shots, 49 of which turned into avatars.

ef - a tale of memories also got some more love from me in the form of 19 avatars. I can't wait for a tale of melodies to start next season.

I've been meaning to write another Hatsune Miku post for a while now but haven't gotten around to it. There are plenty of good songs I've found since the last post.

Moar people need to come to the Anime Club chats. It's fun with just me and Michi (and Shin next week!) but, seriously, Minami-ke is awesome and deserves more attention. I think it's the best comedy/slice of life series I've seen since it aired.

Saving the best for last, it's Sabrina's birthday today! Everyone send her gifts.

Isogashii Isogashii

Lots has been going on lately but I've been too lazy to post about things individually.

Two chains please, extra heavy.
I hired two new moderators on OB recently; congrats to Korey and Darren who joined us in the Arcade and Theater, respectively. Picking out new staff almost always takes a long time and this was no exception. It's also a rather boring process so it's become one of my least favorite parts of being an admin. But it's one of the most important parts of my job, so I do it anyway and take satisfaction in knowing I play such a central role on the site.

It's funny, though, that even after I became an admin, but before I took over hiring new staff, that I never really thought about what was involved in it. So when James came along and said, "Hey, I'd like to put you in charge of hiring," I was just sort of like, "Okay." Then when it came time to actually find some new mods I was like, "Oh snap, I see why he doesn't have time for this anymore." But it's worked out nicely since I do have the time, even if I find it boring compared to other stuff I do.

Walk outside and you'll get cancer. No, really.
As some know, I went on a short vacation with my family over the fourth of July weekend to the Eureka area on the coast. We went partly to escape the smoke that has been covering most of northern California for weeks now. It's been clearing up lately but for a while it was so thick here that visibility was reduced to only a couple hundred yards. I don't think there had ever been another time in the summer here when I couldn't see blue sky for a week straight.

The vacation itself was a mix of fun and not-so-fun. For some reason both my and my mom's stomachs decided to be a pain after we went out for dinner on the fourth so we ended up having stomach cramps instead of watching fireworks. That was certainly not a good trade. But our visit to Fern Canyon the next day was a lot of fun and we took some nice pictures, which I may get around to posting later.

The Des does fansubbing.
There was a DVD-only bonus episode of Aria the Origination that was released a few weeks ago in Japan but, after waiting a while, it seemed no was was going to sub it. And, since I'd rather not have waited who knows how long for the R1 DVDs to see it (the first season of Aria is only now being released in the US this September and Origination is the third season), I found a raw and managed to get Dagger to translate it for me.

I had never produced any subtitles or worked with Aegisub (the best open source software for creating ASS format subtitles) before but I learned fast. And, for a first time effort, I think I did a pretty awesome job. It was an interesting experience, though I don't plan on doing any more subbing unless another similar situation presents itself or Dagger wants me to sub something.

We released the episode publicly since there weren't—and still aren't—any other subbed releases by the time I finished. Look around and you should be able to find it if you're interested in seeing our work.

You need to go watch Slayers nao.
The new Summer season anime started around the beginning of the month so I've been picking up some new shows. The highlight of the season is Slayers Revolution, which marks the continuation of the first three Slayers TV series after eleven years, so that's totally awesome. And I couldn't be happier with Revolution; it's staying incredibly true to the series' roots while featuring some nice upgrades in the animation and music. In addition to Slayers, you can read my opinions on the other new shows I'm watching in the Summer Anime '08 thread on OB.

You know what you doing. Take off every sig.
I've been working with boothten in organizing signature of the week contests on OB. The current winner will get a little SOTW graphic in their member title, which I'll be handling since only admins can edit titles. Hopefully it'll be another fun, ongoing project for the graphics people out there and also a way for others to get involved in the Art Studio forum through voting on the signatures.

Adam: im thinking about implementing chat on theO
Everyone should be aware of theO's impending chat room launch by now. I was involved in testing it, which was fun. I made Aaryanna cry by trying out the warn feature on her. (And then I did it again later. Aren't I horrible?) And I'll be there for its launch tomorrow at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (6:00 PM Pacific Time for me), helping out with moderation whenever I happen to be in the chat.

I look forward to using the chat to find more people to own in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Boku wa makeru wake ni wa ikanainda!

The DailyOtaku iss.7

I wrote another DailyOtaku article. Go read it for I am so great and stuff.

Spring Anime

The spring anime season has started and I've been checking out quite a few of the new shows. I posted a thread on OB to talk about what people are watching this season so I won't repeat myself here.

Other than that, I blazed through both seasons and the OAV of Maria-sama ga Miteru after finishing Mahoromatic. It was starting to get a bit old by the end of the OAV but, considering that it held my interest firmly enough for me to watch it all within a couple weeks, I think that can be forgiven. Strawberry Panic was the only other similar series I'd seen before and Marimite was way better than that.

I started on Popotan after Marimite and I'm almost half way through it so far. And, yes, I am watching it because of the Caramelldansen thing. (Though the dance is from the game's opening, not the anime's.) It's not as explicit as the game but still retains the ecchi theme. That aside, it's plenty amusing and Mii is freaking adorable.

If anything could make me scream, "Kawaii!" like a crazed fangirl, Mii-chan would be it.

And, in case you haven't heard, I made a Caramelldansen skin for OtakuBoards. Even if you can't admit it, you know it's awesome.

Linkage, Sweet Linkage

As you might know, I'm one of the administrators over on OtakuBoards, theOtaku's sister forums site. And, if you were around on OB the past few weeks, you probably noticed the site was pretty inactive. Not a lot of people joining, not a lot posting, not much happening at all.

For a lot of the site's life (that I can remember accurately), theOtaku had a link to OtakuBoards somewhere fairly prominent. I myself found OB through a forums link on theO, way back in 2001. So, being a forum that features anime discussion as one of its main topics, we naturally got a lot of members from theO visitors.

But that changed with theOtaku's last layout revision before Version Vibrant here. The link to OtakuBoards was taken down and activity slowly dropped off. Up until a few days ago OB was at the lowest slump in activity that I had ever seen, and I've been there for over six years and also have access to all the activity statistics in the admin cp. At one point I even commented on Adam's myOtaku page saying that the feature I wanted most for Version Vibrant was another link to OB on theO's front page.

With Version Vibrant live now, I've gotten my wish and OB is once again linked to from theO. Not only that, but OB was the first of the three sites to come back up during the server move, which gets much love from me.

So, how has this affected activity levels on OB? I could tell you but I think this chart from the admin cp stats pages shows it best. (Everyone loves charts.) It shows the number of new members who have registered each day over the past month:

March 3-4 is when the sites went down and OB was the first to come back up. Now, some of this is due to the other two sites not being available for those two days and a link to OB being provided on the holding page. But still, I think it's obvious how much difference that connection with theOtaku makes.

I updated the chart to include the first two days that Version Vibrant has been live. As I figured, we didn't maintain 100 new members per day but 35 and 34 is still way better than the single digits we were getting before.
