Holy crap, I've been on OtakuBoards for seven years. Now that I think about it, no one else from when I joined still visits the site regularly, other than James. only a handful of people from when I joined still post regularly... Though now I'm responsible for a large part of the site so I have an excuse like James. Yeah, I'm going to go with that.
Speaking of OB, I just uploaded a bunch more avatars to the gallery for people to use. A new member pointed out a while ago that we didn't have any Haruhi Suzumiya avatars, which was a bit surprising. Somehow I missed the series when making avatars and no one else had submitted anyway. I couldn't let that stand.
My plan to skim through the episodes in search of good screen shots to use for avatars turned into me watching the entire series again over the course of a couple days. This was the third time I've watched Haruhi, and I'm not sure if it's because I watched it in broadcast order again (the second time was in chronological order) or because of a longer period of time between screenings, but I found it a lot more entertaining than the second time. Actually, it's probably a combination of both, but whatever. I had fun and saved 226 screen shots, 49 of which turned into avatars.
ef - a tale of memories also got some more love from me in the form of 19 avatars. I can't wait for a tale of melodies to start next season.
I've been meaning to write another Hatsune Miku post for a while now but haven't gotten around to it. There are plenty of good songs I've found since the last post.
Moar people need to come to the Anime Club chats. It's fun with just me and Michi (and Shin next week!) but, seriously, Minami-ke is awesome and deserves more attention. I think it's the best comedy/slice of life series I've seen since it aired.
Saving the best for last, it's Sabrina's birthday today! Everyone send her gifts.