next level

are required to take a training exam to become a chunin nd they would have to go through a forest for 4 days and survive the wild beast that would be attacking you at every angle well naruto and his squad thaught that it would be nothing but a walk in the park hey naruto we have only been in the forest for 2 dqys and we have not run into any enemies yes the forest is very quiet onthe other side of the forsest their was 3 ninja that was being attacked and barely made it oh man we have to set up camp tonight said sauskee ok i still think that we need to keep on going said naruto well tonight we shall take a nap under the stars said sakura um ok what ever well the next day they started back through the forset trying to get to the tower before evrrybody else well on the way they ran into trouble the two got sick and sakura tryed to take care of them for the night um so you guys finally woke up yea what on earth happened well you fell ill
so can we try and head to the tower i bet we are the 2nd group to be at the gate well on the 3rd day they arrived at the gate adn wer welcomed buy iruke their old teacher from the accademie hey what are you doing here well i was specially sent here to welcome my favorite students ......

next level

naruto ois in the chunin exam he and his team are in the forset of death station 44 he had been in the lake fishing its the 3rd day hey naruto anything yet no i have only caught 2 fish and i need 1 more man why wont thes fish stay still naruto me and sauskee can splitt a fish if we have to anyways i need to loosee some weight no way saukrua you are thin enough well what do you think sauske well you could loose some weight se sauske thinks i need to loose some weight so i will loose 10 pounds during this test oh why does she never listen to me then the sound ninja come and try and pick a fight but their jutsu is way out of squad 7 league and then sauske,s rival rock lee came to their rescu and sakura was trying to fight for her team she kept on usingthe only jutsu that she knew but then the enemy jumped behind her and grabbed her by the neck and sakura cut her hair off ino saw her bet friend almost die and she started to remember the day that they had met when theyw er in the academie and sakura was the shyest girl in the village and ino was the one that brough the happiness oput in the cherrie blossom girl hey saukra you are nothing but a late bloomer and she ran up to her new friends andsaid gues who i have a crush on dont tell us sauskee um yes well every girl in the village likes sauske well i gues i have alot of competition to deal with then iino snapped out of her day dream adn sakura was on the ground
ino caem toher rescue and saved her
then naruto sakura and sauske wneto on to the tower but ran into trouble when they met kabuto a spy for the sound village who was keeping a eye on naruto he had wittnesed naruto,s use of his chara and was amazed by how strong of a boy he was........
master irukee welcomed them home when they opendtheir scrolles and he taught them abought what the next level ment

the hunt is on.

the hunt is on and soon we shall fin the treasure so that we dont have to hang with tyhose little kids the three of them said naruto didnt want to drag the team down and they suddenly wer of of the path and a red head teenage boy came flying out of the sky um i think we made a wrong turn he said to one of his friends that looked like he could have been his brother he ichigo said the other red head get your but over here i dont like the looks of the place we landed in it does not look like any land i have been to before i need to contact the soul society and ask them were on earth i am uh are you two ok uh did that kid say somthing to us duh do you think that we are blind? of coarse we are not blind you are both red heads and we are off the path that we wer sent on then 3 mystery ninja attacked narutos team
and kakashi and naruto took one side while hinata took a apponent
but somthing went wrong and on of the attackers made naruto mad and he went demon it was the first time kakashi seen it since it atacked the vilage hey you two come with me said hinata you dont wanmt to ge t hurty while fighting them they have poison in their claws they looked at each other .
