the hunt is on.

the hunt is on and soon we shall fin the treasure so that we dont have to hang with tyhose little kids the three of them said naruto didnt want to drag the team down and they suddenly wer of of the path and a red head teenage boy came flying out of the sky um i think we made a wrong turn he said to one of his friends that looked like he could have been his brother he ichigo said the other red head get your but over here i dont like the looks of the place we landed in it does not look like any land i have been to before i need to contact the soul society and ask them were on earth i am uh are you two ok uh did that kid say somthing to us duh do you think that we are blind? of coarse we are not blind you are both red heads and we are off the path that we wer sent on then 3 mystery ninja attacked narutos team
and kakashi and naruto took one side while hinata took a apponent
but somthing went wrong and on of the attackers made naruto mad and he went demon it was the first time kakashi seen it since it atacked the vilage hey you two come with me said hinata you dont wanmt to ge t hurty while fighting them they have poison in their claws they looked at each other .
