So right now I'm listening to some songs on Pandora. I have an Augustana radio, and I think I'm really starting to like them now. =D
I'm talking to Jack [JackE034] and Kitt [">[Endlessly]. HAHA. I lubs them. They're amazing.
I miss Eli. ): I feel weird talking to him. Like I'm really annoying.
Jack was smiling like an idiot on cam and I missed it because I was doing some stuff on deviantART. Oh, that reminds me, Kitt and I are considering doing the newest contest that was just posted about an hour ago. A collaboration. We don't know if it's acceptable yet, though, so I'll get back to you on that. :D
Um um um...
Facebook is getting really fun. Haha.
Spring break starts this Friday. I'm excited. :D
Thats it. LUBS!