The Bitter Find remake- Progress

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I only have 13 pages remade. I've been doing everything free handed on paper, cause I don't have a printer or anything, and I've been inking it with just a little black marker, and shading it with an old dried up grey crayola marker, which looks rather nice : 0

but now I'm starting a job, I have to work at the local mall and sell sunglasses and jewlery at one of those mall stands.. >>;; greatttttt

but it's like really dead at the mall XD so now I'll be able to work on my manga there! haha...and hopefully make some good pay... o . o

I really hope to finish it soon...

I want to self publish it at

I would love he fact of other people purchasing and reading it and enjoying it!! That would make me so happy ; w ;

then I could use whatever money I make, to finally help my family....
We are soooo freaking poor DX I mean I don't want to sound like I'm a baby and complaining and begging for money at all! but seriously, my house is falling apart and my parents and my grandma are all fighting over child support money crap over my sister and me..and..well it's rather annoying. Being threated to be taken away from home, being threatened that they are gonna tear the house down..being threatened that they are going to come and take all of my animals to the pound and be put to sleep...

it's not fun ya know?

sorry about the rant.. I could go on...

but that's why I hope people enjoy my mangas :' 3

spread the word! as soon as they are able to be sold, I'll let all of you know!

thank all of you so very much TT w TT

~~Ciara Jackson~~

