These are just my random, and often intense, thoughts on pieces of the world we live in. A lot of it will be about anime or manga, though some of it will be about polotics, social aspects, or just me and my life. I often get frustrated, and need to blow off steam. So, try to take this with a grain of salt. I never mean to offend people, but I can be harshly honest, and I really want people to open their eyes, and maybe notice something they didn't know before.

OK, basic stats on me...
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Location: Texas
Relationship stats: Single
Family: Two parents, Four younger siblings
Occupation: College student/ Cashier

Also, if you have any questions on anything I've written, or about me, feel free to PM me. I am very open, and do not mind questions, even personal ones. I also really appreciate comments. Opinions and ideas are welcome, just please try to keep it objective. Thanks in advance, and enjoy!

Random video of the moment:

Video is subject to change

The right way!

So, I was sifting through the books at the local bookfair the library hosts every six months, and there, on the "clearance" table were two copies of a manga! I picked it up and satred happily reading it, hooked from the first page.

Well, teh librarian came and leaned over my shoulder to see what I was doing. Her first reaction was to freak out. "I can't belive this!" She cried. "This one is printed backwards! And look at these litte squiggles int he pictures! You'd think the company would have better producty control than this!"

It took me a while to explain that the squiggles were left over from the origanal japanese format and that it was SUPPOSED to start on the right. Once she calmed down, she tried to read the other copy, but became confused quickly, shrugged me off and went to organize the pencils.

Now, normally the only stuff we get out here is Bakugan, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokeman, and other stratagy game-ralated stuff, along with the occasional Naruto poster, so I was thrilled to have this new series incorporated, but sadely, most ppl who see real manga have this reaction. They want to know what is "wrong" with the book. They never even try to read it, they just assume it is a mistake and flare up.

As for me, I was so syked to find a full mange for only $3 that I claimed it immediatly and and am bringing it home proudly to enjoy with a box of pocky I drove an hour just to get.

I don't care how many times people tell me I am reading the wrong way. I am smart anought to actually figure out wether what I am holding is a manga or a graphic novel, and I have the brains to figure out that punctution goes at the END of the sentance.

Maybe the problem is that people give up to easily. Maybe, the problem with the world is people don't bother to read the right way.

Backup Girl

Something happened to me last night that really got me down, and got me to thinking. I just think people need to think more before they speak sometimes. Let me explain…
Last night, I got a call from a new friend of mine, and we talked for quite a while, before he excused himself to call his girl-friend. My mom, being the concerned parent that she is, proceeded to ask me various question about the man and my conversation with him. I, filled with enthusiasm, gushed about his finer points, and told her how privileged I felt that I was able to become friends with him. At one point, I was telling her how caring he was, making a point to call his girl-friend every night, when she chuckled and said, “That’s nice. Too bad she doesn’t get home earlier, but I suppose talking to you is better than staring at the wall.”
I was hurt. I know she only meant that she was proud of me for being so supportive and not being jealous and all that. But she, like my best friend, my sister, etc, has pretty much labeled me the “backup girl”.
I have quite a few male friends. One only calls me when hid fiancé is mad at him, or out of town. The second has a new girl-friend every week and in-between I’m his councilor and confidant. That’s the way it’s always been. Guys see me a s “safe”. I know their darkest secrets, wildest fantasies, but I’m never tried to build a relationship with any of them for various reasons.
My Friends tell me, “You’re standards are too high!” “Why would a man want you, when there are so many more outgoing girls?” “You’re too pure.” And so on. I know they’re only joking. I know God has a plan for my life, and I’m willing to follow it. But I still cry myself to sleep from loneliness. I still have nightmares of abandonment. My head knows I’m going be ok. But my heart still feels every hurtful word, internalizes all the rude stares, and frets over otherwise insignificant details. Prayer is the only thing that gives me hope.
OK, I know I just sound like a sappy, lovesick teenager at this point, and maybe I am. But there’s a part of me that craves a calming touch, a caring voice. I love my friends. I wouldn’t trade my time spent with them. I hope I can spend much more of my life in their company. But my heart knows something is missing, and it won’t stop looking for it.
So what am I supposed to do? Just accept being the “backup girl”? For now, yes. I will be a listening ear, for anyone who needs one. I will love my friends, cherish my family. And at the end of the day, as darkness falls, this backup girl will pat her sore back for a job well done, and dream of the day when there will be a man to back her up, instead of seeing a backup girl.

Spring Break

Well, It’s Spring Break Season again. I’m sure most of you have been anticipating a week off. But I have to wonder why so many of my friends are now complaining of boredom. The same people who just a couple of days ago were bewailing their homework load, are now moping around uselessly.
On my part, I have been cleaning the house (a full time job unto itself), writing, updating my various web accounts, spending some long-awaited time with my family, and giving my rabbits a little extra TLC. The occasional nap and I’m ready to go again.
As far as I’m concerned all these “bored” people, are just whiners with little or no imagination, or else they would be able to think up something to do. I mean, cook dinner for your mom, help out with the laundry, or plant flowers in the side yard. If you find yourself alone, catch up on the latest manga, or go one youtube and check out some new bands. There is ALWAYS something to do, if you know where to look. Seriously, only boring people get truly bored.

A strange sort of holiday.

I have now been sick and without a voice for three days thanks to the stupid flu, so I am soooo ready for a good rant.
However, even though I haven't been able to talk, I must say that I have enjoyed the time off. I mean, even hacking my guts up in bed beats going to school. And I never realised how many mangas you could read whne you have three entire days off! I am now about out of reading material, again.
A lot of the kids at school have been praying for me (which is odd, since they never really talk to me while I'm there) and I appreciate all thier concern, but I have found being sick incredably restful. In a strange way, It's like I'm on vacation, or as the British say, "On Holiday!"
I have been able to eat what I wanted, (which wasn't much since my stomch wanted to puke it all up, but it was still better than cafeteria food.) listen to my music, and read and write to my hearts content. I've even had my meals served to me in bed by my delightfully concerned siblings.
I haven't been pestered by teachers, harrased by the jocks, or gushed over by the idiot blondes my school refers to as "cheerleaders". I haven't had to pretend to pay attention to anyone, or abandon my blissful fantasy world for a moment.
I really ought to be sick more often! Maybe next time I'll get the chicken pox...

Valentines hype

O.K, so I enjoy a romatic dinner, roses, candy, long kisses, etc, as much as the next girl, but am I the only one tired of Valentines? I try to be nice, because my sister has a crush and is using valentines day as an excuse to be extra nice to him, and its my friend's birthday.

But I can't help but feel left out, and all too aware of my boyfriendlessness. I can't help rereading my Fruits Basket and Captive Heart mangas and wondering "when do I get that?"

And besides, Valentines is basically a way to dupe guys into being nice. Nearly ALL the valentine commercial are to remind men about the holiday and sugggest gifts. Why can't the guys be creative? Why are they just shoving bears and pajama-grams at us, instead of being creative andpicking up our favorite romantic cd, stringing red lights around the living room or signing up for couple dance classes? Why not help you make a cosplay they like, or dress up like your favorite character?

I guess what I'm saying is Valentines has become the same-old, same-old. I'm ready for someone to spice it up. Make it something she will remember, remind her why she loves you. Don't just send her flowers because you feel like you have to.

And even if you already have a BF/Gf, it wouldn't hurt to be extra-nice to us singles. We want to feel loved to, even if we don't have someone to curl up with on the couch in the evenings.

So, go pop a breath mont, put on some special music, and love your special someone, just don't for get that Valentines is about love, not just for couples, and not just in the form of bears and roses, but for everyone, in every little thing we do for each other!