These are just my random, and often intense, thoughts on pieces of the world we live in. A lot of it will be about anime or manga, though some of it will be about polotics, social aspects, or just me and my life. I often get frustrated, and need to blow off steam. So, try to take this with a grain of salt. I never mean to offend people, but I can be harshly honest, and I really want people to open their eyes, and maybe notice something they didn't know before.

OK, basic stats on me...
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Location: Texas
Relationship stats: Single
Family: Two parents, Four younger siblings
Occupation: College student/ Cashier

Also, if you have any questions on anything I've written, or about me, feel free to PM me. I am very open, and do not mind questions, even personal ones. I also really appreciate comments. Opinions and ideas are welcome, just please try to keep it objective. Thanks in advance, and enjoy!

Random video of the moment:

Video is subject to change

A Beautiful Birth.

My best friend got baptized today! With her being 20, and her family only loosly conected with any church, I had my doubts along the way. But the closer she got to me, the more I brought her to church and talked about the Bible with her and so forth. The other night, while I was at prom, she had a long talk with my mom, and today, she really did it! *offers prayers of thanks*. Rigth after she confesed, I ran to her, hugged her, and cried "Now we get to be sisters for real!" She was so excited and nervous she was shaking.

So, my friend was reborn, as a Christian. I now have a new sister. This has been one of the best days I've had in years!

Also, my Grandpa is doing better. His brain swelling has slowed, and his lungs are getting stronger. He sounds more like his old self, and he is not hooked up to a machine to breath all the time anymore.

There is also a certain someone, who I have kind of developed this crush on, who confided some serious stuff to me the other night. I think he might like me back, or at least could one day like me. That really gave me a huge confidence boost.

So, I really have been given my hope back. I feel alive again. I saw the hand of God working before, but I was being dumb and thought more about my pain than his love. But now, he has answred two prayers, that I have my grandpa longer, and that my friend would be led to him. I had also told him that I was getting loenly, and now, he has given me a whole list of loving online friends, two or three of which have become very special to me.

I feel reborn. These last few weeks kind of proved to me that I could handle things on my own, like an adult, without help from my parents or any of the other adults who normally hover, trying to do it all for me. I always knew I was strong, but now I FEEL strong, and it feels good.

I graduate in two weeks. Then I move on to the next step in my life... college! A lot of ppl have asked me if I'm scared of that. Early inthe year, I said yes, becaue I really love my family, and I was nervous about being without them and all. But guess what? That is all gone now. I am still going to miss them, but right now, I feel bulletproof. I'm ready for the challenges ahead. I look at how I want a good relationship, how I will be on my own at college, all the work I must do in order to become what I want to be, and I want to scream "BRING IT ON!"
