These are just my random, and often intense, thoughts on pieces of the world we live in. A lot of it will be about anime or manga, though some of it will be about polotics, social aspects, or just me and my life. I often get frustrated, and need to blow off steam. So, try to take this with a grain of salt. I never mean to offend people, but I can be harshly honest, and I really want people to open their eyes, and maybe notice something they didn't know before.

OK, basic stats on me...
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Location: Texas
Relationship stats: Single
Family: Two parents, Four younger siblings
Occupation: College student/ Cashier

Also, if you have any questions on anything I've written, or about me, feel free to PM me. I am very open, and do not mind questions, even personal ones. I also really appreciate comments. Opinions and ideas are welcome, just please try to keep it objective. Thanks in advance, and enjoy!

Random video of the moment:

Video is subject to change

New Site!

One of our members has created a new art site, and we would love for people to join! I have posted one of my stories there, and I will be moderating the forums. If you would like to read my story, or sign up for the site, or both, please go to... and check out the forums. We are looking for new recruits, so feel free to sign up while you are there! Thanks!
