An Otaku's Devotion

Never forget.

Naruto: Only the Beginning

With a calm and somewhat careless sort of air, the kunoichi silently regarded her companion a moment before taking another sip of the tea. Lotus green tea. His choice. Although she had not been inclined to disagree with the order when he had made ...

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Naruto: Journey of a Year

- Next up, Squad 9. Tenten, Rock Lee, and Hyuuga Neji. - Voices from that day still echoed in her mind, the moment when all their lives had been joined into one, singular path. Iruka-sensei had explained it clear enough for everyon...

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Naruto: Where to Start From

- Death is a part of life just as much as birth; there can be no beginning without an end. My grandfather had taught me that before his own end decided to make itself known. He always said that life was filled with obstacles and that they were...

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Naruto: The Mistletoe Effect

Deep-set ebony eyes gazed deep into ivory ones, joining together in a timeless moment as each one reflected the love of the other. Callous hands worn from hours of hard work in the sweltering sun raised up to caress a smooth cheek, still untouched...

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Naruto: Embracing the Pain

A small bird sounded in the distance as she stood on the supposedly empty training field. With the peaceful atmosphere surrounding her, Tenten found it humorous that the only things on her mind were the troubled thoughts of her emotionless teammat...

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