My name is Carly, and I am 14 year's old. I am always day-dreaming, so my regular life loses some interest... I live in California, so I'm every Beach Boys dream!!!
I've been to Hollywood, Long Beach, and Hawaii.
Even though I go to the beach constantly, I do not know how to surf...I got hit on the head with a surf board as a kid, and was traumatized for life...ANYWA¥, Despite my family's effort's to make me a prepy person,
I remain a gothic/floater type person. And a bookworm... total bookworm!
- Created By CrispRain
I'm studying suicide right now in class, and it makes you just want to hug EVERYONE!!!
So SAD!!! Only a brave person could end there own life...I would never though, because I view it as giving up...GR8 now my emo friend
is doing a presentation about it...oh crap...she put suicide is painless by Marilyn Manson...happy thoughts, happy thoughts...WAT!!! She just said she'd have preferred
Teenage Suicide!!!NO ONE DESERVES TO DIE!!! AND ALL THOSE POOR PARENTS!!! EVERYONE IN THE WORLD HAS SOMEONE WHO CARES WHEN YOUR GONE!!!!!!!Its's ok..."sigh" poor kids...I'm gonna go look at happy pictures now.