Its so good >w< the anime stops following the manga after a certain point so if you want the story for the story I suggest reading over watching. But its great!...and now I wanna hug Yato xD
I've debated getting into Noragami. I've watched a few episodes so maybe i should just accept my guilty pleasure of reading manga/watching anime and get sucked in lol
Last edited by nikkeh09 at 12:07:31 AM CST on December 23, 2014.
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 12/23/14 | Reply
hmmm maybe i'll do both so I can really fully appreciate the stories (:
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/23/14 | Reply
Its so good >w< the anime stops following the manga after a certain point so if you want the story for the story I suggest reading over watching. But its great!...and now I wanna hug Yato xD
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 12/23/14 | Reply
I've debated getting into Noragami. I've watched a few episodes so maybe i should just accept my guilty pleasure of reading manga/watching anime and get sucked in lol
Last edited by nikkeh09 at 12:07:31 AM CST on December 23, 2014.