I would care and I would notice, when you went away for a few months just weeks ago, I asked everyone in chat if they had seen you coz I missed you and wanted to talk to you. So your Nii chan would be very sad if you disappeared ^_^
When men feel invincible, they do things that invincible men do.
The Angel of Death (Senior Otaku) | Posted 09/26/12 | Reply
sis, when you die, those you leave behind can't find the happiness you brought them. You may fight, you may argue with them, but the gap in their hearts you will leave will never go away. You can't sacrifice yourself and expect others to find happiness in you passing so they can live. If you want to die, that's too bad. You want them to be happy, then you must live for their sake, for their happiness, that's the only way you can truly sacrifice your happiness for theirs ^_^. I understand pain better than most, when I die I will go to hell, no amount of reason can make up for the way I have lived my life. But I'm not sad I am happy, lots of people who didn't want to die, didn't have to coz I sacrifice my happiness for theirs...and...that's good enough for me ^_^
When men feel invincible, they do things that invincible men do.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/30/12 | Reply
XD I wasn't gonna leave sweetie!!

Otaku Legend | Posted 09/30/12 | Reply
So you better stay or i'ma kick some ass!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/30/12 | Reply
XDDDD Lmao!!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/29/12 | Reply
Lila, without you here, it'd be boring. My crazy buddy who helps me spice up the room would be gone forever.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/28/12 | Reply
lol ty, i know that to you.. but i just not so sure about anyone else really anymore. ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/27/12 | Reply
Shut it. That's a lie. I never want to hear that from you ever again, got it? You are. You mean a lot to me, Lila. More than you think.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/27/12 | Reply
^^ Ty Nii chan, and i'm sorry about the long break it's just... i had to think about some things. I'll give u a heads up next time k?
The Angel of Death (Senior Otaku) | Posted 09/27/12 | Reply
I would care and I would notice, when you went away for a few months just weeks ago, I asked everyone in chat if they had seen you coz I missed you and wanted to talk to you. So your Nii chan would be very sad if you disappeared ^_^
When men feel invincible, they do things that invincible men do.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/27/12 | Reply
XD Yeah ik but i dont feel i'm really important in anyones life ^^
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/27/12 | Reply
I know but some days i feel that if i just vanish nobody will care or even notice as though i wasn't there in the first place. lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/26/12 | Reply
WHen one person who is important disappears from someone's life, their world is thrown upside down.
The Angel of Death (Senior Otaku) | Posted 09/26/12 | Reply
sis, when you die, those you leave behind can't find the happiness you brought them. You may fight, you may argue with them, but the gap in their hearts you will leave will never go away. You can't sacrifice yourself and expect others to find happiness in you passing so they can live. If you want to die, that's too bad. You want them to be happy, then you must live for their sake, for their happiness, that's the only way you can truly sacrifice your happiness for theirs ^_^. I understand pain better than most, when I die I will go to hell, no amount of reason can make up for the way I have lived my life. But I'm not sad I am happy, lots of people who didn't want to die, didn't have to coz I sacrifice my happiness for theirs...and...that's good enough for me ^_^
When men feel invincible, they do things that invincible men do.