- Created By Nino Umaka
I project I've wanted to do for years.
I've been animating, but I forget to upload it here! Sorry! This is a WIP, who knows when I will finish it.
We like to relive our middle school days....
....With some Naruto 7 minutes in heaven! Watch it, mock us, judge us, as we read some Naruto 7 minutes in heaven!
Animation Update + Blog news!
Here's the most recent version of my animation! I hope you enjoy!
Also, we've created a tumblr(like...yesterday)~ Come follow us for updates that you can't find anywhere else! It'll be a blast! http://j-a-productions.tumblr.com/
Enjoy and I hope you see you over at our blog!
:WIP: Animation Opening....again
Look! Another update! I'm pretty proud of this one, and I hope you'll all see why! :D
:WIP: TNN Opening.
So, my roommate and I have decided to dive into the world of animating by animating our Naruto RP! It's still very much in the phase of first storyboard with music....so I hope by next week or the week after I'll have another WIP up with full storyboard animation. Take a look, and I hope you like it!