"No no! It's my fault I tripped and I fell...." the girl said, "Well..anyways...I should be more careful."
“N-no, it is my fault. I-am-sorry!” Saika blurted out again while bowing to the girl, “I should have been watching where I was going! I apologize.”
While during the boy’s hurried need to apologize to the girl, a quite laugh rolled through the air behind the boy.
“Saika, what a way you have with girls!” Masaki called out to them in his marry manner of his.
“Though I don’t think you are supposed to knock them over…” he went on, only pausing in between his next wording to adjust his posture into a more, thoughtful and intelligent way. “But, hey, I’m the one still alone over here and you have the beautiful girl. So maybe I have to change my tactics, hu?”
Saika meanwhile started turning red at his friend’s actions and hastily turned around in hopes of silencing him before he said something even worse.
“M-masaki-san! You know it’s not like that—,” then cut himself off knowing that if he kept going Masaki would as well. Then it would turn into a debate, and once you got Masaki going it was hard to stop him. Leaving the girl quite rudely ignored, for the time being, and Saika didn’t want her to think that he was rude as well after bumping into her.
So he turned back to the girl in front of him, bowed once more and with a nervous smile on his face said, “I am really sorry about all of this, and… Masaki-san. If I can make it up to you at all...”
Ps I'm really sorry this is so late! D:
‘"Yo Saika! Miss me bro?"’ Saika heard seconds before an arm wrapped around his neck and he was taken into a headlock.
“Ah! Masakii!” He said as he cried out in protest against the other boy’s open behavior, which quickly fell into laughter between the two.
'That’s Masaki for you. He always held that extrovert attitude, ready for the unexpected, and never one to sit and wait for what is to come next. He could constantly draw people in and amaze them, in contrast to my own more, introvert-nature.
Ikebukuro always seemed to suit him best and, at times, I found myself pondering as to why I chose to stay in a city such as this. After all I was nothing special; no one really took notice of me if Masaki wasn’t with me. I had a mother and a father that cared for me, good grades at school, a best friend and friends from outer groups. Yet, maybe that is it.
Could it be that hidden inside the normalcy, packed and hidden deep, within was the will to be more? To reach beyond the predictability and cultured nature and latch on to the brash and irrational creature that does lay dormant?
Could it really be that the Normal ones, the ones that keep to their regular routines and live life according to ‘the plan’, were the ones that fit here the most? Are only some are able to feed and keep content the creature that threatens to rip their world as they know it, apart? And the ones that aren’t strong enough turn into the people we see on the television, the most dangerous and…'
“Hello! Earth to Saika.” Masaki said mockingly as he gently shook Saika from his thoughts.
“Oh, S-sorry Masaki-san,” he muttered backing up and out of his hold, semi bowing to his friend.
“I was just-“ Saika started to say but was cut off by a slight bump and he had to catch himself from falling down. “Ah! I am Sorry!!”

*clicking of keys*
Every city has its own legend, its own story to be told and passed down. Thus giving it its own uniqueness, its own distinction, to set it off from the rest and to not be grouped as all others. Ours is no different. Yet, unlike most, our city seems to hunger for them, draw in and swallow all sorts of legends that you wouldn’t have dreamed existed.
A number of them are obvious and not all that dangerous unless ‘They’ are provoked. They are easily seen and most are able to distinguish between the normal and the… not so normal. But there are other things, besides them, that can hide in the normal crowd and because they can disguise themselves so well. They are labeled the most dangerous of them all…
My father found this out years ago.
And now I will too.
Anything can happen in Ikebukuro...
'I am Saika Ryugamine will be starting high school on my first year. My best friend since I was a child, Masaki Kida, goes to the same school with me. He’s cool and pretty awesome at almost everything he does, even if he can be a little… ostentatious.'
“And he is late again.” Saika muttered out, waiting for his best friend to show up. They had one more day left before school started up and Masaki was late, again.
“I wonder what girl he found to hit on this time?” Saika thought, unknowingly, out loud as he continued walking around Nishiguchi park.