This is a place where you can find out more about me and what I've been up to lately.
Also, if you have any chibis you'd like to see me draw, this is a good place to request them. Be aware though, that I am working on another project that may make it difficult to fulfill those requests.
I'll also be posting random things - images and video and such - because they made me laugh or amazed me or something, and I thought you might like them too.
I would also ask that you refrain from using any profanity here. I find it to be impolite and unnecessary.

All that aside, enjoy your stay here!

My DeviantART
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men..." - Colossians 3:23 NIV

It's finally done!

Hello all! I have an update on my book. The first chapter is finished and in the process of being printed!! WOO HOO!! Finally! I hope to get it in late September, just in time for the NY Anime Festival.

Just to give an idea, it's a Christian-themed manga about a girl who just moved to a new town and is starting high school. She meets some new kids at school and learns some tough lessons about what it means to be a follower of Christ.

Simply put - wearing a cross doesn't make you a Christian.

Anyway, there isn't really a whole lot else to write about right now, except that I do have a LOT to finish in time for NY AnimeFest in the way of bookmarks, charms, etc. I'm a bit frazzled!!

I just thought I'd update you, anyway. If anyone cares.

For now, I will leave you with this. I hope you enjoy it!

Do You Speak English?

Just wanted to share a great little video my hubby showed me that uses an old English skit with World of Warcraft characters. Hope you like it! (...If anyone's even reading this...)
