That really stinks about your internet :( Mine's been disconnecting me randomly, but that's what I get for using wireless connections.
And thank you for looking at my art ^^ I'm glad you liked it.
Ferrets are cute X3 I can't help with names though. I can hardly name my own characters. I can suggest a site full of British actor's names where I got Roland, Basil, and Ray's names from but that's it ^^"
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
AAHH! WEASLE! No one said anything when I called. What's Story think of him? Is he tiny? I can't wait to see him! Only two more weeks or something like that. And all my name suggestions are in my book I left in your care. I don't think Nicu is in there. There, I leave the book and the Romani name Nicu.
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
That really stinks about your internet :( Mine's been disconnecting me randomly, but that's what I get for using wireless connections.
And thank you for looking at my art ^^ I'm glad you liked it.
Ferrets are cute X3 I can't help with names though. I can hardly name my own characters. I can suggest a site full of British actor's names where I got Roland, Basil, and Ray's names from but that's it ^^"
The Echo Effect
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
Oh. You are so helpful. Story plays with him when she's around, but she still just runs around wherever she wants.
The Eighth Sin
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
AAHH! WEASLE! No one said anything when I called. What's Story think of him? Is he tiny? I can't wait to see him! Only two more weeks or something like that. And all my name suggestions are in my book I left in your care. I don't think Nicu is in there. There, I leave the book and the Romani name Nicu.