Hello there.. you may know me as Ekedo... AKA: the boy who owns Momiji Sohma nya!!! he's all MINE!!
i'm sorry to my friends for leaving you. forgive me?
and by the way.. to those who think i'm still gay... i'm not... God has changed my heart for the better.... now the only thing i want is friendship.. and the love of God
- Created By Gray 4 God
Anime Fans of Tennessee!!!
Attention all Anime Fans in Tennessee[or other neraby states] (including Furries, cosplayers, and otherwise anime outcasts!) i call on you to reply, please if you'd like to have an Anime Convention in Tennessee, we must ban together and figure out a way! far too many an anime fan has gone into the wayside here in Tennessee, and from my point of view, it's time we stopped that! so cosplayers, fangirls, fanboys, and furries alike (from TN or nearby) please help me think of a way to get one on the road! Together we can make a difference!
we need you! yesh we do! =3 heheh
perfect guy?
hay girls! i was wonderin... what do you look fo in a guy? for example
hair style (highlights?)
attitude (in charge/submissive)
ect, ect, ect.
you don't have to answer me =3 i was jus wonderin... oh and if you can think of any other things you'd like to see in a guy feel free to add 'em on X3
well thas it i guess....
oh and i have one question for my sisters out there (i don't have any "brothers" or i'd ask them too... you've noticed only females hang around my site XD ahah i wonder why *paranoid look* eheh) do you go to any conventions? like Fur-cons, poke-con, or anime-cons?
ok X3 bye guys! *hugs*