Hello there.. you may know me as Ekedo... AKA: the boy who owns Momiji Sohma nya!!! he's all MINE!!
i'm sorry to my friends for leaving you. forgive me?
and by the way.. to those who think i'm still gay... i'm not... God has changed my heart for the better.... now the only thing i want is friendship.. and the love of God
- Created By Gray 4 God
kk i've been wearing a dog coller (or as i say a "fox collar" how ever u spell it... and my mother and stepdad won't SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!! every time they walk in the room it's "i though i heard something barking" or "do what i say dog, i'm human i have dominion over you*
GAH I HATE THAT!! just because i'm a furry, and want to wear a coller doesn't mean they can treat me like that! it's not funny! they even tug on the leash(spell?) hook like they are trying to lead me around. if anyone is going to put a leash on me, it's going to be my BFFs or my GF.... NOT MY STUPID PARENTS!! SIE KONNEN KUSSEN MIENEN AZEL!!!! graah!! >___< i don't like it when they treat me like a dog...(if anyone is going to do that it'll be the people i said above...) anywho... i had to get that off my chest >__<
oh and thank you reN nee-san, for the piccy =3 is cute... i look good for once ^_~ hahah and you look good too X3 yep yep heheh
shop open!
ok my friends X3 i made another world ^_^ is called "Sir Ekedo's Avatar Shoppe" =3 the theme is "Howl's Moving Castle" you know Sophie's hat shop ^-^ i watched that movie the other day X3 BEST MOVIE EVER!!! looove it X3 is so cool ^-^ i liked the little orange haired boy X3 such a cutie!
anywho ^_^ go see my new world! is cool... avatars for sale!! *purrs*
ok... uhm church today! was an awsome service X3 it was about the crowns a child of God can "earn" through Christ, like the crown of splendor, the crown, of rightousness.... stuff like that X3 yep yep!
so... uhm... i signed up for VBS =3 i'm gonna help with the pre-school crafts ^-^ i'm an assistant... yeah is gonna be fun ^___^
so i'll see you guys later ^__^ GO SEE MY NEW WORLD! IS COOL!
later! *hugs*