Hello there.. you may know me as Ekedo... AKA: the boy who owns Momiji Sohma nya!!! he's all MINE!!
i'm sorry to my friends for leaving you. forgive me?
and by the way.. to those who think i'm still gay... i'm not... God has changed my heart for the better.... now the only thing i want is friendship.. and the love of God

i makes avatars!

hay guys X3 i jus got back from church today ^_^ yes wednesday church =3 is like a breath of fresh air to hear what God has to say in the middle of the week X3 *smiles*
anywho! on my way back i stopped at the stor and bought a cute pair of flip-flops ^_^ *both thumbs up* they look cool... they're the thong band type. i wanted the bluejean color, bu they didn't have my size T~T so i jus got the dark brown pair =3 they still look good (the thong is brown material, is all frayed [spell?])
anywho! the thing i really wanted to say was! if you want me to i can make you an avatar, you know like the one i have right now =3 or any kind like that, i have others jus ask for a demo X3 i can put them on here if you'd like ^-^
well thas it... oh hay X3 i'm feeling better by the way ^_^ the only thing is the crud in the air is making me... uhm this is nasty but true... it makin me sneeze yellow o_O eeew!! growdy! ^_^'
so imma go now =3 remember! Jesus loves you ^-^ and He's on His way back soon ^_~ c ya! *blows a kiss* X3 lol later!

(i know i'm girly... so sue me XD hah)
