
well guys X3 thanx for being concerned about me ^_^ i should be fine *coughs again* meeh o_o i still kinda sick... bu nothin couild stop me from going to church this mornin ^__^ i actuallt felt alot better once i got to church and got into da Gospel =3 yep yep..
we've been in the book of Mark for oh about a month ^_^' (we've only gone through mark 1-3.. thas not much. is for a good reason though)
so... i drew a new piccy (not done yet) is of my eevee boy Eevan (evan) it's called "ice cream kisses" =3 can u guess why? well you'll see ^_~ eheh (must make his ears smaller!! too big 0_0 eeh)
*cough* man dis cough won't go away lol ^_^'
so... i stayed after church and moved some pews(spell?) out so they could install new carpet ^-^ we've been gettin alot of new modification(spell?) to our chapel room, is cool!
so i'm gonna go and work on my piccy, oh and do some Bible trivia ^___^ yay! i is smrat! uh smart X3 heheh
see ya brothers and sisters ^__^ *big hugs*
