Hello there.. you may know me as Ekedo... AKA: the boy who owns Momiji Sohma nya!!! he's all MINE!!
i'm sorry to my friends for leaving you. forgive me?
and by the way.. to those who think i'm still gay... i'm not... God has changed my heart for the better.... now the only thing i want is friendship.. and the love of God


well guys X3 thanx for being concerned about me ^_^ i should be fine *coughs again* meeh o_o i still kinda sick... bu nothin couild stop me from going to church this mornin ^__^ i actuallt felt alot better once i got to church and got into da Gospel =3 yep yep..
we've been in the book of Mark for oh about a month ^_^' (we've only gone through mark 1-3.. thas not much. is for a good reason though)
so... i drew a new piccy (not done yet) is of my eevee boy Eevan (evan) it's called "ice cream kisses" =3 can u guess why? well you'll see ^_~ eheh (must make his ears smaller!! too big 0_0 eeh)
*cough* man dis cough won't go away lol ^_^'
so... i stayed after church and moved some pews(spell?) out so they could install new carpet ^-^ we've been gettin alot of new modification(spell?) to our chapel room, is cool!
so i'm gonna go and work on my piccy, oh and do some Bible trivia ^___^ yay! i is smrat! uh smart X3 heheh
see ya brothers and sisters ^__^ *big hugs*
