Hello friends and others! Welcome to the site of my Naruto fics, rants, and overall randomness. I must warn you that I read the manga more than I watch the anime, and I am currently waiting for chapter 442 and read the updated chapter every Thursday - I read the chaps at onemanga.com if you have any interest. They are absolutely amazing. - Now because of this any of my rants may contain spoilers, but I'll be sure to warn of them in the heading in case you guys don't want to read them.
Here is a video that a friend of mine made for me using my favorite song!

Alrighty, that is about all from me. Now go out and enjoy all things Naruto!


Everyone knows that Sai lies. The first time he had lied to his new teammates they had missed it, but had picked up almost everyone after that. After a while he realized it was pointless to try to lie to them and just kept up the habit a...

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