OMG! First post! *waves*
Well... last night I dreamed that I was the star of a rather... inappropriate fanfic. It was Bleach, which is odd because I've barely watched any of that (cue the "HOW COULD YOU!? EVERY ANIME FAN HAS SEEN ALL OF BLEACH!" Don't worry, I'll get to it eventually xD) I'd somehow morphed into a Soul Reaper named Maren (where the heck does my subconscious GET these names!?) and... was in all these different pairings. It was weird, to say the least. And the lemon-y nature of it all was caused by me watching all these Britney Spears parodies just before I fell asleep. No, really.
I also wonder what the point of creating this world was... since I already have a Tumblr and all that. But my fantasy novel-obsessed followers would be bored to death by all these anime-related posts, so I'll stick to writing about anime-related stuff here.
Also expect to see posts in Japanese and French sometime, since I already know the former quite well and will begin learning the latter next year.
Bye for now,
P.S. Should I use simpler language when I write here or what? I know it all sounds kinda formal... but that's just because I'm used to being surrounded by adults on the internet. I love my LOLs and OMGs and WTFs, there's no denying that. I should get into the habit of using them more...