wow! your hair is so cuute! and you look so pretty! like a video game character, lol!
kitties choose the weirdest places to sleep! like right in front of a door, so you accidentally trip on the and they glare at you like it was your fault! or right on top of your leg when your asleep, so you can't move for fear of waking up a cranky kitty!
aww, a new kitty! i hope you find one that will love Jenks as much as you!
...and you have elijah wood's autograph?!?!?!? i'm so jealous!
*glomps* I haven't been on your site in forever!
Aww kitties ^^ They be silly creatures. I bet they think you bought that purse just for them lol. My kitty thinks everything in the downstairs room is his. He just lets me sit on "his" couch. How nice of him -_-
I love your hair, it's gorgeous. I'm jealous XD You do look a tad like a video game character lol.
I scrolled down and saw the picture of Patches. Looks identical to my mom's old cat, also named Patches. Except when I was born she hated me so she didn't stick around long lol.
Your hair is so pretty! I love all the colours ^^ it suits you. I keep wanting to get mine cut shorter, I like having short hair. I mean, mine is above my shoulders and it still feels a little too long. Hee hee.
Naaww! Cats! I want a pet. I think that i'd like ferrets... But I don't have room for them at the moment. I'd love a couple of rats, but my housemate hates them XD Perhaps one day when i'm settled i'll get a cat... I miss having cats around. I saw a plastic bag out of the corner of my eye the other day, I thought it was a cat - it looked like it was curled up asleep!
I hope you find a cute new kitty to love! I'm sure Jenks will be pleased to have someone to play with ^^
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
Your new hair looks so pretty! (You yourself too of course^^) Must take some getting used to, ne? I remember when I got my hair chopped off (about six and a half years ago now LOLXD) Like, half of my hair was suddenly gone! XD That felt weird:P
Hahah, yeah, what's that with kitties?XD They always seem to have some *special* habits...:P It's nice Patches is getting along better with Jenks^^ I can't wait to see pictures of your new kitty either!:) (When you have it, of course lolXD)
Whoops, I think it's time for me to get some sleep since I don't seem to be making perfect sense anymore...XD (though that was an entire logical sentence:P wasn't it?XD)
Take care Elves!^___^ *hugs you & the kitties:P*
Otakuite | Posted 02/15/10 | Reply
Did you quit the otaku. You haven't been on in forever.
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/26/09 | Reply
Happy birthday! Hope you are doing well... ^^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
Elves! Happy birthday my dear! I've missed you, I hope you are doing well *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
@Gaijin otome:
Aye, I have Elijah Wood's autograph. It's my price and joy! Even more-so because he saw *my* drawing of him! AHHH!!!
lol! I'm lucky in that my kitty sleeps beside my legs and not on them.XD
Gaijin otome
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/23/09 | Reply
wow! your hair is so cuute! and you look so pretty! like a video game character, lol!
kitties choose the weirdest places to sleep! like right in front of a door, so you accidentally trip on the and they glare at you like it was your fault! or right on top of your leg when your asleep, so you can't move for fear of waking up a cranky kitty!
aww, a new kitty! i hope you find one that will love Jenks as much as you!
...and you have elijah wood's autograph?!?!?!? i'm so jealous!
anyway, hope everything goes well!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/09 | Reply
I remember seeing that on your website thingummy. Looks fantastic!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
*glomps* I haven't been on your site in forever!
Aww kitties ^^ They be silly creatures. I bet they think you bought that purse just for them lol. My kitty thinks everything in the downstairs room is his. He just lets me sit on "his" couch. How nice of him -_-
I love your hair, it's gorgeous. I'm jealous XD You do look a tad like a video game character lol.
I scrolled down and saw the picture of Patches. Looks identical to my mom's old cat, also named Patches. Except when I was born she hated me so she didn't stick around long lol.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
lol! Yes, that is a fan art of Link I bought at the's signed by the artist too since she was the one selling it.XD
And in the bottom picture, you can see above Link is my Frodo drawing that was signed by Elijah Wood.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
By the way... Is that a picture of Link I spy behind you? :D
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
Your hair is so pretty! I love all the colours ^^ it suits you. I keep wanting to get mine cut shorter, I like having short hair. I mean, mine is above my shoulders and it still feels a little too long. Hee hee.
Naaww! Cats! I want a pet. I think that i'd like ferrets... But I don't have room for them at the moment. I'd love a couple of rats, but my housemate hates them XD Perhaps one day when i'm settled i'll get a cat... I miss having cats around. I saw a plastic bag out of the corner of my eye the other day, I thought it was a cat - it looked like it was curled up asleep!
I hope you find a cute new kitty to love! I'm sure Jenks will be pleased to have someone to play with ^^
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
Your new hair looks so pretty!
(You yourself too of course^^) Must take some getting used to, ne?
I remember when I got my hair chopped off (about six and a half years ago now LOLXD) Like, half of my hair was suddenly gone!
XD That felt weird:P
Hahah, yeah, what's that with kitties?XD They always seem to have some *special* habits...:P It's nice Patches is getting along better with Jenks^^ I can't wait to see pictures of your new kitty either!:) (When you have it, of course lolXD)
Whoops, I think it's time for me to get some sleep since I don't seem to be making perfect sense anymore...XD (though that was an entire logical sentence:P wasn't it?XD)
Take care Elves!^___^ *hugs you & the kitties:P*
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
Wow! You look really pretty, sempai!
Circumstances, circumstances. At least you get to think about what kitty to adopt for a longer time, right?
Time always spirals, and here I am, stuck in the wrong sprial.