Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Teeheeheehee...XD Your post cracked me up!:P *rofl* Ya know, for some reason I can sooo imagine Orlando saying that...XD
I like those pointy ears as well...:3 dunno why tho, no idea!XD Cool you actually get encouraged by your boss to draw at your job? you're lucky^_^ I can't wait to see your new art!
Whahah that cat pic made me laugh really hard as well...XD That's the perfect caption for it!XD OK well that's enough I guess...XDD see ya!:3
Hello there Lindsey! How are you today dear? *hugs* ^_^
Oh my gosh, I love that banner. X3 That is amazing and really cute. Haha I agree, there is something about those pointy ears that is just plain sexy! XD haha. And of course Legolas is just beautiful....Now I really want to watch Lord of the Rings now. =3
I can't wait to see your new art! I know its going to be lovely^^ And I will make sure to comment! Also that is so nice you get to do your art at work. You have such a cool boss! =3 Its really nice to have a relationship like that, your Boss must have a lot of trust in you^^
Have a fantastic day dearest! Take care! I love you bunches! *huggles* ^.^
I agree, its just something about the ears, and if you had the ears wouldn't you feel more ...umm elegant? Well same with the clothes if you had them on too.
Yes, this is a world going digital,and it is good to broaden your horizons, but keep drawing traditional too! Because maybe someone might want a traditional drawing and you might be one of the few who could draw it 8D
But then for some cases it's best for digital XD
I want your boss(but not in the weird way)! My boss wont even let me do my homework when I have nothing else to do T____________T
Well I hope you have a good day and good luck on your new picture! (even though you don't need it XD)
You know that someone truly cares when they brick you like that. -AZ
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
A new pic? Niiice.
Yes, elven guys are sexy. Especially with each other! Tee hee hee.
Yeah, free time with nothing to do at work can be a trouble...
Time always spirals, and here I am, stuck in the wrong sprial.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Teeheeheehee...XD Your post cracked me up!:P *rofl* Ya know, for some reason I can sooo imagine Orlando saying that...XD
I like those pointy ears as well...:3 dunno why tho, no idea!XD Cool you actually get encouraged by your boss to draw at your job?
you're lucky^_^ I can't wait to see your new art!
Whahah that cat pic made me laugh really hard as well...XD That's the perfect caption for it!XD OK well that's enough I guess...XDD see ya!:3
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Hello there Lindsey! How are you today dear? *hugs* ^_^
Oh my gosh, I love that banner. X3 That is amazing and really cute. Haha I agree, there is something about those pointy ears that is just plain sexy! XD haha. And of course Legolas is just beautiful....Now I really want to watch Lord of the Rings now. =3
I can't wait to see your new art! I know its going to be lovely^^ And I will make sure to comment! Also that is so nice you get to do your art at work. You have such a cool boss! =3 Its really nice to have a relationship like that, your Boss must have a lot of trust in you^^
Have a fantastic day dearest! Take care! I love you bunches! *huggles* ^.^
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
cant wait to c the new pic :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
I agree, its just something about the ears, and if you had the ears wouldn't you feel more ...umm elegant? Well same with the clothes if you had them on too.
Yes, this is a world going digital,and it is good to broaden your horizons, but keep drawing traditional too! Because maybe someone might want a traditional drawing and you might be one of the few who could draw it 8D
But then for some cases it's best for digital XD
I want your boss(but not in the weird way)! My boss wont even let me do my homework when I have nothing else to do T____________T
Well I hope you have a good day and good luck on your new picture! (even though you don't need it XD)
You know that someone truly cares when they brick you like that. -AZ