Emi - The Cute One!

This is going to be a blog basically about my adventures in College and LIFE~


I need to get art inspired D:

I keep trying to draw and failing miserably :(

So I'm opening up free sketches!!

What I will draw:

- OCs
- FCs
- Characters from shows I have seen or shows that I like the designs from XD
- Will only draw GIRLS, KIDS, or EFFEMINATE GUYS (aka skinny Girly boys haha)

What I will NOT Draw:

- Characters from Shows I dont like
- Pokemon (Gijinka are fine)
- Manly Man Chests (go ask my Maki for that one haha)
- Animals/full furry
- Um....I think that's it :O

Will draw couples but no more than 2 people in a picture!!

Art Trade not required, but if you want to I can give you someone to draw ;)

These will most likely NOT be colored unless I fall in love with it :3

1.kisskiss-bangbang http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p60/nekotenshiemi/kkbb.jpg
3.mizukisanofan (sorry~! I am not good at guys >w<)

Free Chibis for You~!

So, I think I'm REALLY bad at chibis!! I drew one last night for a friend and I don't think I like it! And I want to get ...

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Do you all (whoever reads this) have pages for your OCs?
Descriptions? Background Information, etc?
I've seen some people with worlds, some with photobucket albums,..what do you guys prefer?

Also, when people make OCs are they just random or do you make them for a purpose - like an RP or original story? Or do you only make Fan Characters?

Also, do you ever realize you based them off of someone else? Do you ever do this intentionally? What if someone accuses you of copying because their OC is similar?

And do you actually try to balance your characters?(Not make them perfect and hot?)

Whoever answers my weird little survey there can have a sketch of one of their OCs from me if they want :P

