Emi - The Cute One!

This is going to be a blog basically about my adventures in College and LIFE~

Guessing Game~! :D

I saw this on Livejournal and thought it would be fun! :3 Free sketch for each one you get right if you want? :D :D EDIT: :( I promise I won't be judgmental if you get them wrong! This is ONLY for fun and not serious at all!! I...

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Visual Novels

Tell me I'm not the only one obsessed with them? XD

I just finished Fate/Stay Night (By finished I mean all the endings, all the bad ends, all the screens, etc. etc.) which is kind of upsetting since I loved playing it SOOOOOOOOO much (Fate is my favorite thing ever. XD I collect Fate things :3 )

Anyway, so I was upset so I downloaded the Corpse Party Demo since that was all that was English translated. :3 I actually might try to find the full version of that one, since the Japanese wasn't that hard (the parts that had voice acting at least ^___^ ) but it was SOOOOO scary at parts! I had to force myself to keep clicking!!!

Anyway, I'm currently downloading the first episode of Umineko (since it's a free demo) and I'm going to see if I can get my friend who got me Fate to get me the full version :3 I thought I wanted Higurashi first (Since after Fate, Higurashi is my NEXT favorite thing XD XD XD) but I've been in a super Umineko mood lately~! Also it's almost Halloween! And Halloween is for Umineko!

Kyuuuuuuu~ I want so many VNs!!! *_____________*

I also really like these Fate Chibis!! Uwaaaaa! Berserker Kawaaaaaiiiiiiii
