Guessing Game~! :D

I saw this on Livejournal and thought it would be fun! :3
Free sketch for each one you get right if you want? :D :D

EDIT: :( I promise I won't be judgmental if you get them wrong! This is ONLY for fun and not serious at all!!

I could post hints?

HINT 1: I like creepy little girls.

a. Post a list of 15 fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character

1. Fate/Stay Night (2)
2. Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (2)
3. Umineko no Naku Koro Ni
4. Hetalia
5. Vocaloid
6. Tenchi Muyo
7. Negima?!
8. Gurren Lagann
9. Ouran High School Host Club
10. Fushigi Yuugi
11. Fruits Basket (We'll stick with Anime XD)
12. Pokemon (Evolutions count as one group XD so you can't get sketches for all of them! ) (7)
13. DearS
14. Clannad
15. Ace Attorney (2)

:D :D :D :D :D

