NO WAY!! You are the one who wrote "A Family Portrait No More"?! I read your fanfiction at fanfiction net and had no idea it was you... the world really is small... I love your story :-) and by the way I guess I won't be making new fanarts until the 12th of May because I'll have to finish my school leaving exams first. I'll be back after that.
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/04/09 | Reply
I like it!
kinomiya miki
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/14/09 | Reply
NO WAY!! You are the one who wrote "A Family Portrait No More"?! I read your fanfiction at fanfiction net and had no idea it was you... the world really is small... I love your story :-) and by the way I guess I won't be making new fanarts until the 12th of May because I'll have to finish my school leaving exams first. I'll be back after that.
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
Wow... Nice job Emmah!! I absolutely love this!! Very well written and very well done! ^^
-- Ikara-o-Kage
--- Writter & Gamer
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/20/09 | Reply
wow this is soo awsum. kai is my fav char
gr8 job.