I am teh Emo Biznich!!!
Everyone bow down to meh emoness!!!!!
Jk JK. So like meh other world Not all teh storeh's
will have happy plot's and ending's. But some will in this world.
I will also have other ppl post there storeh's on hur so yah.
Ejoy the dark depth's of my and my friend's mind's
- Created By Emo Biznich
R.I.P. Michel Jackson
Ok, it may not seem like it but I toltally love Michel Jackson.
When I heared he died I kindda cryed. I mean he died at 50, how sad is that?
And he was in dept, I feel srry for all his kid's. I can't beleave he
actualy died. Poor guy, died with so many ppl thinking he was a raipist.
I wonder how he died, I've been hearing it was from an over dose on sleeping
pill's and a heart attack. Dose anyone know what happened? I've been unable to get the info myself so I'm resorting to this. Man I can be a dork sometimes....
Emo Biznich out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!