I am teh Emo Biznich!!!
Everyone bow down to meh emoness!!!!!
Jk JK. So like meh other world Not all teh storeh's
will have happy plot's and ending's. But some will in this world.
I will also have other ppl post there storeh's on hur so yah.
Ejoy the dark depth's of my and my friend's mind's

I izz bored!!!!!!!

Man there iz nuthen to do!!!!!!!!! I'm sitten next to a bunch of friend of mine. TALK TO YOUR FANS JADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!*slaps the back of Jades head*

Jade:Ow! Why you!!!!!!*jump's Emo Biznich*

Haha!!!!!! Cant catch me ass whipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!*runs away*

Kat:This fight needs pudding!!!!*throws pudding at the two fighting girls*

OW IT GOT IN MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!*runs into wall* I go boom now*fall's on floor*

Devony: wow am I glad I recorded this. *show's video to Kat*

Kat: I think she's un conshious*pokes Emo biznich with a stick*

Jade: were taking over her page for the day!!!!!!!!!1

Kat: Or at least till she wakes up and totally kill's us.

Devony: Whichever ne comes first.

All( exsept Emo biznich who is still knoked out with pudding on her face): See ya!!!
