The world of odd things i noticed, is now presented!
I have not worked out all my bugs, so when i get better my posts will become more constant.

Funny time mix ups,

so there is something funny i just realized today, and no my being oblivious is not what you should be laughing at,it just so happens that i accidentally drew an event before it happened. during class one day i was given an assignment for my fashion design class. i decided to not use there characters and use me mow the boss and my brother the vampire.i drew them at the fair for some odd reason and i got an A+ , but 2 months later at the fair with my family (though no mow) i met up with the boss. now thinking back, the picture wasn't the boss ruining the day, he just happened to come by on a day that i was really sad.
and so i give you a chance to see what it was like in a link below:
2 months prior

Funny math

yes i am saying math is funny and for once that is the point. but it isnt the math its self that makes it funny, its what math makes you do. Now there are many people who understand math out there, but im not one of them. as i said before math is out to get me. it seems that math is needed to do a lot of the things that interest me. i cant do anything beyond simple math, and i know if you think about it all math is simple. ok ill get to the funny part, when i was little and my step mum was trying to introduce me to division i was terrified of the equation and hid under the bench. yeah im totally silly like that.

funny times,

i apologize for my slacking on funny things.

so we played catch the drip on our Marques gas tank this week,and no thats not the funny part. while we where getting parts for the many things we need to fix, we saw another Marques. This one looked older and we gawked at it. so far we have only spotted two others in the town, but thats not the point. as we started to pull out an old man came out of the shop. This man was could hardily walk even with his cane. we believe that he may very well be older than the car in both human and car years, Its a miracle in its self that they have both stayed on the road for this long.

Special thanx to the funny old guy and his car, may we see him again and have a long conversation about the car.

funny hugs

so i guess there are a few new hugs out there, i remember when there were just hugs and bear hugs. but now it seems as if there are more, on top of *EXXOD HUGZ* there are now *mortica Hugz*as well,

is where someone hugs someone, and then push
them away when the start to hug back.

Funny water

as you eye the drink i just gave you, you ask is this some of your"funny water" but no, its not. that water is from the good well. the funny water i am about to tell you about is fresh ground water from one of our wells at the ranch. so i was told that well water is better than tap,but i wouldn't use the word soft for this drink. the well water was the kind of hard that made it seem like i was swallowing rocks. Don't get me wrong it tasted just fine, and wasn't a underground moonshine. it seemed like normal water, but i would have to break the water into smaller pieces first so i didn't choke.