The world of odd things i noticed, is now presented!
I have not worked out all my bugs, so when i get better my posts will become more constant.

Funny to not so fun fact

so i was looking for something on a friends world and found this, i decided i wanted to answer questions and you might know by now i really like taking quizzes, no this is not one of my funny comments about something,but it is factual.

if your wondering why this one is at the top again its because the answers have been updated.

1. Perfect? Far from it
2. Tall?: as short as i can stand
3. In your pajamas?: perverted question!
4. Left handed?: no, but i have to be sometimes,
1. Friend you saw: does seeing their profile pic count as seeing then?
2. Talked to on the phone: some guy wrong number
3. Person to text you: i dont text
4. Was today better than yesterday? it hasent even started yet,

1. Number: 4392!
2. Color(s): cerulean blue
3. Fruit: Peach
4. Place: mt. Fuji
1. Are you missing someone right now? when am i not?
2. Are you happy? well im not sad
3. Are you sad? most of the time
4. Are you bored? nothing to even get bored with,
5. Are you annoyed? with myself
6. Are you nervous? i wish i had something to be nervous about
7. Are you lonely? all the time
8. Are you tired? not that it matters

1. Eating? just had a lemon cupcake
2. Drinking? ill get that coffee soon!
3. I'm about to: get my coffee
4. Listening to? my brains rattling around in my head, LOL JK listening to my thoughts
5. Plans for today? Wow i have a lot, wood ^u^ cus we have it, dishes, dinner, clean, decorate,
1. Drank bubbles? you can drink bubbles?!
2. Lost glasses/contacts? yeah,
3. Ran away from home? it doesnt count i never made it off the property,
4. Broken someone's heart? i hope not!
5. Been arrested? that'd be cool but no,

1. Miracles? yes,
2. Yourself? no,
3. Heaven? not exactly, a celestial plain,and more so now than ever ^u^
4. Santa Claus? i believe he may exist in another dimension
5. Love? im losing hope in its existence,...but then again, i know it extends beyond the grave, for i have seen it so, i guess i should say im loosing hope that there is a (human)someone for me who could return my love,
6. Do you like someone? yes,
7. Do you believe in God? im not sure
8. Answered the truth on all questions? if i answered false then my results would be liar not insane fangirl!
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: fed the animals and fishes
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: that its so difficult to get a job
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: platoon
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: *looks around* what kind of dumb question is this?
Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: only when i think someone is looking,
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: when i can

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: by nature
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: my own bed,...i think

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: the day before yesterday

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: that would be nice,

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 6

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: the computer and fish tank

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: do you want a list or shall i get a doctors report,

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: september, we go way back
Q: What did you do last night?
A: before or after i slept?

now that thats over lets see my results,...what? its not self grading, need my cell number?,...but i dont have a,....*falls to knees*

Sad but true the second

so my friend wanted to take a quiz so i gave him this one, we are what we are.
so lets review it.

1. Perfect? Yes
2. Tall?:5'7"
3. In your pajamas?:Long johns and shirt....My pajamas is very small boxers and a T-shirt
4. Left handed?:,Yes, I write with my left hand
1. Friend you saw:Maria yoland
2. Talked to on the phone:Jeff Nix
3. Person to text you:Cassandra Bullard
4. Was today better than yesterday?Yah, lights out and got to eat Mc donalds

1. Number:22

2. Color(s):Green, Silver and gold

3. Fruit:green apple

4. Place:Pananma City

1. Are you missing someone right now?My sister
2. Are you happy? Yah,
3. Are you sad? sometimes
4. Are you bored? never
5. Are you annoyed? Like to be from time to time
6. Are you nervous? Sometimes
7. Are you lonely? yah
8. Are you tired? half

1. Eating?Jelly beans
2. Drinking?Green tea
3. I'm about to:play with the cat
4. Listening to?Dream of Absolution
5. Plans for today?Shovel snow off the deck
1. Drank bubbles?No
2. Lost glasses/contacts?yes
3. Ran away from home?yes 3 times, first 8yr 12yr 13yr
4. Broken someone's heart?Yah, I let someone down two heart breaks my and thier's
5. Been arrested?nope

1. Miracles?Yes, it's what people do to what they believe in
2. Yourself?Not much of my self
3. Heaven?Yes, nice people
4. Santa Claus?Yah, kinda do
5. Love?Yes, Special people showed me that.
6. Do you like someone?yah, few people
7. Do you believe in God?yes
8. Answered the truth on all questions?Yes, test me again

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Put cloths on and left the house to eat at Mc, Donalds

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: My current problems with jobs, owning a vechiels and owning a home. plan to combine car and home

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: The Green Lantern (Best)

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Carr's

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A Yes, most of the time I will make my self laught. Stay positive

Q: Do you wish upon stars?

A: Yes, maybe a wish turns into a star. Maybe that are how stars are made.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yes, Always :)

Q: Where did you sleep last night?

A: My bed

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Maybe few nights ago. Family problems

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: How can I get back in to fighting again in the ring?

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 3,,,,,,,,Didn't have people there when I was a child and did and she die of cancer.....I had a crush on her.

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: T.V.
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: Back of my neck

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: Tough one uuuuumm,,,,,,Feburary cause my birthday, (Don't like getting old)

Q: What did you do last night?
A: Facebook.

Now to my results? it isnt self grading? *mumbles to self*
Oh? Sabriela is grading it? what you want my number to continue? (misunderstands) :rapeface: *gives the number and best times to call, then waits patiently for "personalized results*

Results: im sorry to say you are as crazy as the rest of us, but dont wory that just means your not alone ^u^

time for fun,

yeah, i know ive been slacking on fun facts, but i have been finding a lot of things. The problem it that i am drawing somethings baised on them so i dont want to post them till the art is done. so untill then ill spend your time watching youtube videos,

can you imagine being ultra relaxed for 10 hours? i can but i couldnt find one, so here is just the first 4 minutes,

Funny preparations

Alright for this id like to share something i found quite funny on you tube,so winged and i wanted to watch if there was a specific way to cut a persimmons and we found that it doesn't really matter, but thats not the funny part of this post. we followed a link to pomegranates and really enjoyed what we found. the first video linked is actually the second we watched. and it seems there is a wrong way for that poor pomegranate, and i hope for its sake when you decide to peel your own you choose the more humane of the two.



this pic was found here

Funny time mix ups,

so there is something funny i just realized today, and no my being oblivious is not what you should be laughing at,it just so happens that i accidentally drew an event before it happened. during class one day i was given an assignment for my fashion design class. i decided to not use there characters and use me mow the boss and my brother the vampire.i drew them at the fair for some odd reason and i got an A+ , but 2 months later at the fair with my family (though no mow) i met up with the boss. now thinking back, the picture wasn't the boss ruining the day, he just happened to come by on a day that i was really sad.
and so i give you a chance to see what it was like in a link below:
2 months prior