The world of odd things i noticed, is now presented!
I have not worked out all my bugs, so when i get better my posts will become more constant.

fun as in im enjoying it

Fun Fact, I fixed my CAC (computer acess card) so now i will have a larger percent chance of logging on more often! That means ill be happy again. By the way since i missed alot of time, Happy ...

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For those of you who actually read my posts, i wont be on for a while. this may be my last contact for maybe even a few months. i will try and return as msoon as possible.but i doubt my return will be as swiftly as i would like.

*As for my active challenge my sister wingedshadowwolf will be grading it when it is finished.(right winged? )

*while i am gone for those of you who may want to use any of my art for wallpapers or ecards, you have my permission.

(i will attempt to work on my stories in my free time)

now for something funny *looks around*

its saturday

ZOMG, i cant believe its already saturday O.o yesterday i thought it was thursday, i feel that we are loosing the wallie/ecard challenge but its hard to compete with so little time left, by my calculations, unless i get the other permissions back with in the next hour i wont have time to finish them in time to make a real dent, your asking why it doesnt seem so funny yet, well its because i am getting less and less time on the o this month, and even if i do get those needed responses something may come up that would prevent me from knowing about them till monday O.o, not funny, more dissapointing,
ok, my oldest brother came by for a visit, and he had me tell a dirty joke to winged while she was at work, (during er lunch time) . also my coking skills have been impared, i was thinking about yummy meat buns and cooked a bad dinner, then made a picture of me fantasizing over the meat buns and winged eating my failure, not that it was that bad, i ate 2 bowls of it before feeling sick XD. she fixed it, turns out i just needed to add water and to top it off th epups new treat in made of a rice stuff and smells nasty, so when i take it away for a bit i smell like it.

time for fun,

yeah, i know ive been slacking on fun facts, but i have been finding a lot of things. The problem it that i am drawing somethings baised on them so i dont want to post them till the art is done. so untill then ill spend your time watching youtube videos,

can you imagine being ultra relaxed for 10 hours? i can but i couldnt find one, so here is just the first 4 minutes,
