lunastarz' Host Club page:

Heyla! <3 Welcome, ladies and (gents?), to my lair. Want to woo your way into the place the place my heart should be? PM me and...I dunno. Ask me something. Don't be shy~~ ^^

Excuses for possible future disappearances: I either tossed another computer out the window, got put on a mission somewhere without internet access, died, or went into hibernation.

Envy's Going Solo *shot*

I love Wrath, really. Anyway, the point of this post: I'm taking a break from the drama of the Host Club for I've no idea how long. I love it also, really, but like Wrath it's been driving me batty for quite a while. ....And anyway, I've been neglecting my stalking duties.

On the other hand, the same club has led me to find my calling in life aside from destroying the human race. . . Making the fangirls happy. (Most of them aren't human anyway.) </3 So I'll still be a good host, talking to and doing other things to them, just apart from the club. (If you want my Skype, PM me.) Dante ordered me to quit the club, not quit talking to my fans. ^_~

~curtsies and exits~

